Tidal MAX HiRes FLAC

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@James Any updates on this? Thx!

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Hi Miguel,

Neither James nor I will be able to tell you anything until such time as thereā€™s been an official announcement made about whatever the anything is so neither of us can really answer your question Iā€™m afraidā€¦




Itā€™s quite disheartening to see that while Lumin can release updates within weeks, dCS is still facing challenges even after six months.

Agreed. This is silly.

TIDAL Max is now live on all dCS network equipped products, so get your unit and the Mosaic app updated and youā€™ll be away. Max is working both through Mosaic and through TIDAL Connect.


Thanks @James. Although I have had some issues. Opened a new thread:

I got an error the first time. Rebooted my Rossini (should have done that) and then it worked fine.

On Mosaic, all higher-than-CD resolutions have an ā€œMQAā€ badge even though when you play them some are PCM hires.

PS: My bad! I hadnā€™t updated Mosaic! Thx.

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Hi Miguel,

Try logging out of TIDAL in Mosaic, logging back in, and retrying. Does the music then playback properly as PCM?

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Music plays back properly as PCM hires or MQA. My bad though, I had not updated dCS Mosaic. Now the badge is MAX. Thx.

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Glad to hear itā€™s working properly for you :+1:

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Curious, should/can we hear a difference?

It depends what you are comparing. If your question refers to Tidal Max compared to the earlier Tidal then yes if you compare 16/44.1 files with a 24/96 version ( however this is not guaranteed). But MQA 24/96 v. native 24/96 may be arguable technically and, in any case, will depend on your personal sensitivities.

Whatever, the advantage for Tidal Max customers is that future high-res files will mostly be only available in the native rather than MQA format. So you will need the new Mosaic configuration.

That is not the issue. The issue is without MAX on Tidal you will not have access to the whole library. That is of course unacceptable.

I have to say, the Tidal FLAC sounds GOOD! But not many songs seem to be recorded in FLAC.

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Better late than never, thank you.