Brand new Rossini DAC crashed

That is great news and gives kudos to all of those involved .

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Excellent news! That really is first class service.

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Glad for you, But can’t help feeling a bit let down, you had built it up so well!

To all that say great news on the fast replacement, etc… shouldn’t this be the norm on such an expensive product? Concierge-level service?

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It should be the norm, but with dCS it is the norm. They delivered. In just 3 days. If this was 5, 7 or 11, no big complaint. But they did what they could do, to the max, and I thank them for that.

Nice. Congrats and enjoy!

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Pleased for you. Well done dCS

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Huh… today I learned my new black Rossini will now be delayed by an extra week.

My black Rossini initially was delayed by 4 weeks. Maybe they will give you my refurbished one to speed things up :cowboy_hat_face:

That would be fair — I think you got his :stuck_out_tongue:

:wink: If you look at the difference in the serial numbers of my 2 versions you see that this does not go one by one. In 12 days they are 150 apart.

Correction: after looking it up: in 17 days 206 apart.

That’s a fair few delicious Rossinis. Glad to see that dCS isn’t turning out just a handful of these things :+1:t2:

I’d actually prefer buying a refurbished version at the appropriate price.

Can’t believe they sell 10 of these a day.

Correct. Even if they sold 10 Rossinis a day they couldn’t build that number especially given that they make another 8 products in the current range. They are a very small company and everything is hand built, tested, listened to, inspected ( by staff members who didn’t build it) then signed off and sent for packing and dispatch. This process can take more than a day for a single piece.

dCS product full serial numbers consist of 7 elements no doubt each of particular significance to dCS identifying a different attribute. Us outsiders do not know what they mean. So it cannot be assumed that the final numeric element runs in sequence for a single product i.e. xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 0000001 may be a Rossini clock, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 0000002 may be a VIvaldi DAC. and so on. My Rossini transport is 0054679. I will guarantee that dCS have never built and will never build over 54,000 Rossini transports :smiley:.


I think the serial numbers work like this: the 005 determines the generation of the product, in this case the 5th generation. Then four digits follow, and this is the count of products. My first Rossini was a 0058xxx, the second one 0059xxx.

To add: My Rossini Clock from August 2019 is 0055xxx, my BartĂłk HDAC from February 2019 also 0055xxx.

dCS have a test machines bank that is suitable for at least 8 separate devices to be tested in parallel:

I am not sure about this as the items I owned from the previous generation had serial numbers starting with number 7. Further the current generation is only the third, at least when counting domestic products.

You mean 007?

:smile: :smile: :smile:

Figured the last segment might be shared among all products.

Huh… my Bartok delivered mid April is 58460.