Re scanning NAS drive

I am using a NAS drive for my own music and Mosaic accesses this without out any problems. However, I have changed the contents of some of the albums on the NAS due to some previous errors. Mosaic hasn’t picked up my changes.

So, is there anyway I can re-scan my NAS to ensure I’m accessing the corrected albums.

I hope this makes sense.

Hi Ben,

Welcome to the club.

You will find your answer here:

Ben, as Erno suggests, you need to take a look at the specific UPnP Server that you’re running to know how best to update its database once you add new files to your NAS.

Some UPnP Servers have settings to periodically resync it’s database automatically, whereas others require manual trigger.

The dCS Mosaic has nothing to do with file resync’ing, it’s just a control-point front-end to the UPnP Server, and relies entirely on the UPnP Server telling it what files are available for playback streams.

Thanks for the replies guys……I will look at the minimserver app today and work out how to ensure my changes are added. Thanks for the words on Mosaic and how it does not perform this roll. I have been using Roon up to now which does do a re scan. However, I am finding Mosaic much better in sound quality and need to get use to having the minimserver app as well.

Thanks again for the help, much appreciated.