Problems with upgraded upsampler

Hi all.
As my local Dcs dealer has installed the new board on my upsampler without first installing the new software upgrade on Dac ( from 2.0 to 2.11 ) and not following these instructions Release Notes: Vivaldi DAC 2.11 / Vivaldi Upsampler 2.10 [MQA Release] ,
I am wondering if now I can make the software upgrade on Dac or not… He does not know…
Thank You

You will be able to update the DAC from 2.0 to 2.11, yes. The note in the release notes that the DAC and Upsampler must be updated at the same time is for a separate issue; nothing is broken, but once the DAC is updated to 2.11 all compatibility and functionality will be restored. You should not see any issues in performing the update on the DAC because of the Upsampler being on 2.10.

Was your dealer able to offer any direct assistance with performing the DAC update?

Poor Piero has been struggling with this since May! I have to say that his new posting regarding his dealer’s knowledge does suggest that some additional training is required. I would be scandalised if I got the level of dealer support that he seems to have suffered.

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Thanks James and Pete. Local dealer assistance is zero. I did know it before asking to Uk Dcs to make the upsampler upgrade in Uk…Local dealer told me the upsampler is perfect ( forgetting that he had to upgrade the dac at the same time of upsampler). In addition he told me do not disturb anymore. What the dealer is for?? Problem is still here…
sorry for the outburst

Perfectly understood. I hope that this thread is brought to Rav’s attention ( James?).

@cuprone I will send you a private message to get some more details about your unit so we can get this resolved as soon as possible.

It has been, yes.

thanks James