Thank you for the reply and update. I will wait to see how things progress.
As an FYI, even though I am using an Eero system, it is not used in a wireless mesh configuration. All devices are connected with ethernet backbone.
The unmanaged Cisco switch is connected to the primary Eero router. The Rossini is connected to that same switch and everything is located within the same room.
You mentioned a dedicated port for the Rossini. The Eero app appears to allow assigning a port number, or range of ports. Is there any particular port number or range which should be assigned? Then again the general traffic, ie Qobuz, Tidal, Roon, is not having any problem, reaching the Rossini - just Minimserver
Then again, this is starting to get above my pay grade so perhaps what I’ve written above is gibberish.
Although it sounds funny, I am comforted by the fact I am not the only one encountering this problem
Phil, I don’t have all the information from other users that you have access to. Therefore, my assessment and understanding of the situation may be incomplete and therefore unfair. Usually, these types of difficulties are difficult to solve because there are a very large number of combinations and network configurations. Maybe my frustration related to the fact that I have been waiting for a solution for quite a long time has shown itself here. I apologize if I have misled colleagues.
I know that I mentioned port mirroring which is where a managed switch can be set up so that one port outputs an aggregation of the traffic that is being sent through one or more other ports on the same switch - it’s a function that you generally would use for sniffing / monitoring network traffic.
The Eero app “Port Forwarding” is somewhat different … Ethernet packets can have what are known as “Port Numbers” assigned to them and those port numbers can be used to route traffic that has a specific port number attached to it to a specific device on your network - so for example I could have my router set to forward any data that is tagged for port 22 (which is the port usually used for SSH traffic) to a specific computer on my network, similarly I could set my router to pass port 80 traffic (web traffic) to a specific machine that serves up a website. For myself I route external FTP traffic coming in on ports 20 and 21 to my NAS so that I can access my media libraries when I’m away from home…
That’s what that functionality on your Eero is for - unfortunately it doesn’t help here.
Not a problem Robert - when your sample size is one of one then it’s totally reasonable that you would make an assumption of what’s going on based on that one sample.
I just wanted to jump on that one ASAP because things can snowball very easily and what no-one wants is someone looking at this thread in five years time when they can’t see their music on their NAS because they don’t realise they need to enable the UPnP server on it and instead end up returning something for a repair because they’ve seen someone say something that they have then read as it’s a faulty network board…
I’ve been looking back through the tickets that I have on this and I don’t think I’ve had one through from you so if you drop me an email to [email protected] then I’ll get you a link over to the test / temporary workaround firmware that I’ve sent out to Robert and the others … it’s not a fix but it is a workaround until we can get a fix nailed down…
Generally the Mosaic app works as a “remote control” for the streamer in that it queries the streamer for status and then tells the streamer what do do - the exception to this is UPnP browsing because bouncing the UPnP browsing traffic through the streamer could / would really bog things down with big browse lists and lots of cover art graphics so for UPnP browsing the Mosaic app goes out and finds (and browses) the UPnP servers directly … similarly for things like cover art Mosaic bypasses the streamer and pulls the artwork directly.
Now, reading the posting it seems that Gregg is running Minimserver on his iMac and Mosaic on his phone / tablet (if I’m wrong them please correct me @glevethan )?
Generally in these kind of scenarios I install “8Player Lite” (it may have changed names and be “8Player Free” now but the free one - not the paid for one) on the phone or tablet as then you can check UPnP discovery from the handheld device (i.e. it’s not being discovered on another device and reported back) - the only gotcha there is that 8Player also picks up shared network folders too and so you generally need to grab a screenshot back from that app to make sure that what’s being seen (or not seen) is the UPnP server on a NAS or PC and not a shared folder (the same issue occurs with people using Windows File Explorer and seeing shared folders and UPnP servers and then trying to copy files to a UPnP server rather than a network folder).
That would suggest that at some point SSDP/UDP broadcasts (used to discover devices such as UPnP servers) stop being broadcast correctly.
What would be interesting to find out is if you do close down Mosaic when you’re not using it and then when you can’t see your UPnP servers any more then reboot your router, leave things for a bit to settle (say 15 minutes) and see if your UPnP servers can then be seen again when you run Mosaic…
As a further update to my situation, and considering your previous comment about possible problems with Eero mesh routers, in my continuing quest for better service I just installed a new TP Link Deco Wi-Fi 7 mesh system. Obviously, all access points connected via ethernet backbone.
The problem remains and the new TP Link Deco does not see MinumServer.
Both the Linn app and JPLAY have no problems seeing it.
I am a little confused by your question. Even though I use the term mesh I do not know if it is fully applicable. All the TP-Link Deco access points utilize ethernet backbone to connect to the main router - instead of wirelessly, i.e. mesh.
The iPhone, obviously, connects to the network via Wi-Fi. The Rossini is connected via ethernet to a Cisco switch, which in turn is connected via ethernet directly into a port on the TP-Link Deco main router.
The Rossini is in a dedicated listening room, connected via a 2 meter Ethernet cable to a switch in the same room, which is then connected with a 2 meter cable to the main router also in the same room.
I sit in my chair with an iPhone - 3 meters from the same router
Since the new TP-LINK Deco B85 has 4 Ethernet ports I can test and plug the Rossini directly into the main Router. It’s late here so I will leave that for tomorrow.
I decided to have a go at things before going to bed. The Rossini is now connected directly to one of the spare ethernet ports on the TP-Link. Mosaic still indicates no UPnP servers available.
Here is an interesting thing. If I fire up JPLAY and play a track via MinimServer, the playing track actually appears at the bottom of the screen in Mosaic. I can even hit pause and play from within mosaic and stop and pause the track.
That’s Mosaic receiving track playing information from the Rossini (confirms there’s no connectivity issue between your Mosaic and Rossini).
Is your iMac/MinimServer still connected to the Cisco Switch? Flip that across to the TP Link as well. If there are no spare ports on the TP Link, then swap the Rossini back to the Cisco, and move the iMac/MinimServer to the TP Link instead.
For whatever reason, your iPhone/Mosaic is not seeing the MinimServer’s service availability responses.
The iMac is downstairs however there is an ethernet line running hardwire from it to the Cisco switch in the listening room.
I just connected the iMac directly to the TP link (Rossini is already connected there as well). Nothing changes - the behavior remains the same.
Mosaic still indicates no UPnP servers available while JPLAY has no problem finding, connecting, and playing from MinimServer
Keep in mind there are 9 other people with the same problem so this is not exclusive to my particular set up.
@Phil has offered to send a version of the previous firmware. I guess if I want I can ask him to send and I can test it out. I was not going to bother as he indicates it is a temporary fix for the problem - however it does, indeed, restore MinimServer functionality.
That statement alone, at least to me, implies there is a problem on the Mosaic/Rossini end.
True, but that doesn’t explain why the 99% rest of us don’t have the same problem. That suggests the issue is somehow linked to your networking environment (the 9 of you)