No UPNP servers available

I was misunderstood. Today’s MinimServer update didn’t change anything. I had the earlier version for 2 months and did not update it. So this is not a MinimServer related problem 100%. What confirms my belief is that before the failure, Mosaic saw all UPNP servers in my network and there are three of them (JPlay Server and Panasonic TV UPNP server. Now Mosaic does not see any of them and they are all in the network and other devices use them. Additionally, the universal The UPNP client sees all these servers and DCS Rossini on the network and can send the music that is played there. Unfortunately, it is not well supported by Screenreader and is not a good solution for determining what is happening with Rossini and Mosaic.

There are 30,000 updated installations of Mosaic v.1.4.3.( see Phil’s response above). Only 4 have reported this issue. It is therefore unlikely to be an issue with Mosaic per se.

We know that particular network configurations, software or hardware, can result in discovery issues for Mosaic. ( AFAIK nothing to do with this update). Your circumstances may make checking this difficult using Screenreader. Perhaps @Phil can help outside of the forum?

I didn’t change anything on my home network. The last change I made was replacing the switch a year and a half ago. I have been using this network configuration without any changes for 5 years, first with Bartok and now with Rossini. As part of checking various possible causes of this problem, I did a lot of different tests. I changed the router to another one, it didn’t help. I connected Rossini directly to the router, it also didn’t help. Of course, I reset the network devices and Rossini many times, but this did not solve the problem. If you have any suggestion that I can take and try on my home network to solve the problem, I will gladly use it. I have no ideas at the moment. In fact, the only change that took place at that time was connecting the Rossini clock to the converter. For 3 days after connecting the clock, everything worked properly.

Hi Guys,

We are still looking into this but unfortunately it’s taking longer than normal to get the various logs that have been supplied by the people reporting issues through R&D - as soon as I have something to report to anyone then I will do…

I’m afraid I cannot give any more information than that and I am aware that it is frustrating but all the information supplied has been escalated to the appropriate teams and as soon as I have something back I will be in touch with everyone.



Thanks Robert. I see that Phil has responded so I leave it it in his expert hands.

Any update on this before I reach out to @Phil ?

I almost NEVER use Minimserver UPnP (although it is constantly running on my iMac) however I just tried to connect via Mosaic and I am getting the same error message in Mosaic as the others - “No UPnP server found”

Everything else works perfectly - Qobuz and Tidal through Mosaic (which confirms the Rossini APEX is connected to the network and the ethernet cables are fine). ROON also works without any problem. Minimserver is the current version and indicates “running” on an iMac. Minimserver has been restarted multiple times, Rossini rebooted, Mosaic restarted several times, Mosaic uninstalled from iPhone and reinstalled. iMac running current MAC OS (which has recently been updated)

Any updates or suggestions?


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Gregg, a couple of suggestions to try if you’re up for it;

  1. Check that your iMac has it’s Firewall turned Off; System Settings → Network → Firewall

  2. Install UPnP Mate and see if your iMac has SSDP visibility to your Rossini; Launch the App, it’ll send out an SSDP request on your network. All UPnP devices (both Servers and Renderers) visible on your network should respond. You can check the SSDP Log in the App to see this in action

  3. If 2. above doesn’t show your Rossini (left tab on the App window), then you’ve likely got some network issue (possibly multicast transparency problems) going between your iMac and your Rossini. Unclear why it would suddenly happen.

Thanks Anup.
Late here however I will give this a try tomorrow
I will also check the Linn KDS in the headphone rack and see if the Linn app can see Minimserver.

Well since I have the iPad next to me in bed I just fired up the Linn app. It sees Minimserver immediately and it can scan the library.

I assume this implies there is no Firewall activated and it appears to point to Mosaic/Rossini problems? Similar to what the other posters in this thread have experienced?

Yes. That does suggest that your iMac and the MinimServer at least are operating normally.

When you launch Mosaic Control and it tells you there’s “No UPnP Server”, that’s telling you that the Rossini is not seeing MinimServer on your network from it’s vantage point (not that Mosaic Control or your Linn App can’t see the MinimServer).

So, you still can’t quite conclude whether the problem is with the Rossini itself or something to do with the connectivity between your Rossini and the iMac/MinimServer.

What are the network elements between them? Are they connected to the same Ethernet switch?

Sorry to but in but what you did with the Linn app does not mean that Mosaic is not being prevented from accessing MinimServer by the Mac firewall. All it demonstrates is that the firewall allows access by the Linn app.

Firewalls maintain a menu of programs they allow or block. Otherwise everything connected to your Mac would not function. I don’t know the Mac system in detail being a Windows person but the firewall settings will probably include something called Program Control ( or similar). Check its menu and look for dCS Mosaic. If you find it and it has been set to “block” then reset it to “allow”.

This may take some hunting down but as well as @Anupc and his recent helpful suggestions, his original posting mentions network issues, probably multicast transparency problems. That possibility is still current.

Rossini /Mosaic and MinimServer are almost certainly operating correctly. There is not likely to be any difficulty there. But something is preventing communication between them.

Thanks Pete
I just checked the Firewall settings on my iMac. Completely turned off as I expected

Several months ago I decided to dramatically simplify my network and remove all Cisco 2960 switches and the Fibre connection to the Rossini.

The current network setup is as bare bones as allowed:

Internet service Fibre from the street to an ONT in the garage
ethernet from the ONT directly to an Eero 6E Router
ethernet from the Eero router to a Cisco Business CBS110-8T-D Unmanaged Switch (thanks @all2ofme)
Rossini directly into the same switch via a 6’ unshielded Blue Jeans ethernet cable

In other words as simple as can be.

I cannot help but think my issue is similar to the other posters in this thread and perhaps there is something going on with Mosaic?


pinging @Phil on this one to bring him into the loop

Gregg, the network issue is not necessarily related to the physical units or architecture of your network. It is usually to do with the configuration of the router/switch software. Certain default configurations cause issues with multicast packets. These can exist from scratch or suddenly appear without notification from updates that have happened overnight. Other issues may be caused by IP dresses that Mosaic cannot recognise.

If you have now contacted @Phil I will leave it there as he is The Man :wink:. However if this is going to be this kind of issue ,although a PITA ,it isn’t all that hard to fix. It may require you to access your router’s software but if you have not done this before I am sure that Phil will guide you.

And is the iMac wired to the same Cisco Switch?

Mosaic’s just a control point, it’s rarely the cause of issues. It’s almost always something to do with your dCS DAC’s connectivity to the network.

Agreed to both points

Later today I may have a look at the Eero app however I think choices and options are rather limited - after all that is the premise/selling point of Eero :laughing:

Hi All,

Just to give an update …

We’ve got 8 reports of customers not being able to see their UPnP servers since the last firmware update (9 if you include a user who is using UPnP in a different way - not with a UPnP server) and anyone that has contacted me via [email protected] should be in hand and running an old / temporary / test firmware that seems to get round the UPnP issue but doesn’t support the TIDAL Max functionality.

It has been flagged to the software team and they are (I believe) still trying to identify what the issue is.

HOWEVER the difficulty is that all the UPnP discovery libraries and network handling libraries that we use are the ones that are provided by iOS / Android or are common libraries that we don’t write or modify and are used by thousands of other developers across tens of thousands of other apps and are working for several thousand other Mosaic users.

There’s nothing showing up in any of the system logs that we’ve pulled back from those users streamers and we don’t get anything back from the Mosaic app - without something out on the network monitoring what’s going on (which I see Anup has suggested UPnP Mate - I’ve used other tools such as wireshark previously) but there are limitations as to what network traffic you can “see” from different devices on a network when network switches are in play as switches do route network packets intelligently which ultimately means that unless you can grab traffic using a switch that supports port mirroring that is carefully placed so that all the relevant traffic between the relevant devices will be forced through it then you don’t get to see the broadcasts and responses so although I totally acknowledge that it’s annoying the software guys are aware of it and if they can identify what’s going on then they can work on getting a fix developed.

I’m afraid that’s all the information that I have.



The problem is definitely with the ethernet card in Rossini. After upgrading the firmware to version 513. After returning to version 511, the UPNP servers are correctly found by Rossini. After upgrading again to version 513, the servers magically disappear. There were no changes in my network at that time. The only change is the firmware upgrade. For now, the temporary solution is to downgrade to the previous version 511 firmware. You need to report the problem to DCS technical support so that they can provide the appropriate files for You.

…and having read further down the thread and at the risk of replies of “Well you would say that”, we have also had issues reported with Eero extenders that have gone away when they’ve been switched off and removed from the network path.

I’m in no way suggesting that it’s an issue that generally/specifically affects Eero and I’m sure there are many people using Eero perfectly successfully but sometimes mesh networking devices in general seem to cause problems with broadcasts not properly propagating across networks.

One of the difficulties is “My computer works fine so my network is OK and I have gigabit fibre internet” - unfortunately both of those statements, whilst they may be 100% accurate, rarely have any kind of bearing on these kind of network issues.

External (internet) issues tend to stem from either excessive latency (not as common nowadays) or random DNS issues (oddly surprisingly common nowadays) that are characterised by “x was working yesterday but now it isn’t” and they then miraculously fix themselves after 24/48 hours as DNS servers resync … I don’t think I’ve ever had an issue in the last 10 years or so that was caused by a “too slow” internet connection apart from one connection that was being done over a 3G link where the 3G modem AND THE ROUTER were located a couple of hundred meters from the house up a hill and there were cascaded switches and routers lashed together to get that to “work”.

Internal network issues almost invariably come down to routing issues within the network - there used to be a nice easy (common) issue with the BT HomeHubs that were ubiquitous in the UK, they’d be fine until they got busy enough to reach a tipping point where they’d then suddenly stop passing network broadcast traffic between the wired and wireless networks and even if the network load dropped they wouldn’t recover until the router itself was rebooted … unfortunately Mesh networking has made simple solutions like that that a pleasant memory!



Hi Robert,

Unfortunately not - if the problem was with the Ethernet Card in the streamer then changing the firmware (as you have the firmware I supplied to you to test with) wouldn’t affect things … it’s also not a Mosaic issue as it’s not consistent across all networks.

This is the difficulty we are having - actually nailing down the source of an issue that is affecting less than a dozen users globally.

For example - we know from testing with one user having this issue that taking their streamer / UPnP server / iPad that were showing the issue on their network and running them on a basic Linksys EA2500 router (which we have a number of that we use for shows and events) they no longer have the issue without changing any firmware on any devices so it’s not simply an “Ethernet Card” or “Firmware” or “Mosaic” issue, it’s combinational.