Welcome dCS Mosaic v1.43 & Network firmware 513

@James Just have updated my Rossini APEX DAC with this latest update.

Update went well, except from Mosaic no longer opening on my old iPad Air, after updating the app. It crashes within 2 seconds. Have restarted iPad, but no success. Then deleted Mosaic and reinstalled, no success.

On my Samsung Galaxy S23+ it all is working well.

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Just updated my Lina and mosaic app, no issue so far.
@Ermos What ipadOS version are you running? Mosaic need ipadOS 11 or higher.

I am on ipadOS 12.5.7.

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Hi Erno,

Is that version of iPadOS definitely correct? Is that the latest version your iPad will run?

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Can anyone read the Mosaic 1.43 release notes?

I get:

Hi James,

Yes, it is definitely version 12.5.7 and that is the latest version my iPad Air (first gen) can run.

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My bad, I had the wrong link posted - should be working now.


Never mind: The bit depth is properly reported after a full power switch reboot.

Okay let me check in with the software team - the age of the software might be problematic there, I’m not sure how far back we can go compatibility wise. Let me find out and come back to you ASAP.


The link is working fine for me. I’ve uploaded it here @BillK (hope that’s OK @James?).

dCS Mosaic 1.43 & Network firmware 513 Release Notes.pdf (76.4 KB)

All good! :smile:

Minor Mosaic glitch:

My Rossini was in Auto Wordclock mode according to the display, but Mosaic reported it was in Audio mode.

I tapped “Auto Wordclock” and now Mosaic says that is the mode, but nothing changed on the device itself.

Thanks James. The App Store mentions it is supposed to work on my iPad, FWIW.

The link is working fine for me. I’ve uploaded it here @BillK (hope that’s OK @James?).

Works for me now too; must have been a server glitch.

Is there any other reason to update to this latest version if I do not use Mosaic for listening to music and do not use Tidal’s Connect feature. I just listen to Tidal via Roon.

Gapless playback with UPnP!!! That’s awesome. Need to check it out. Thx dCS team.

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It is and it does :grin:. At least for Qobuz which it didn’t before.

I think the release note is a bit misleading as it indicates that gapless playing with UPnP has been fixed. That was never an issue except for 24/192 files either UPnP or from streaming services. The latter are wonderful to hear properly. I can’t easily check UPnP 24/192 as the only files I have for this format are not continuous play items but which orrectly have intervals at track ends. So if anyone has any UPnP samples with the needed characteristics please check and report.


I checked (24/192) and it plays fine from my NAS UPnP minimserver.
(Vivaldi One)

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Change something about the sound ?

No, this is a change to Mosaic which is only a control point and does not deal with music data at all.So the update is solely concerned with control aspects namely functionality with Tidal Max and fixing a bug for the gapless replay of high res files. Please see the Release Notes.
