Vivaldi 2.0 app

Will do. I won’t be able to do it today so please bear with me.

Best Wishes



No worries at all Pete! Thanks again!

I may be mistaken, but on Mosaic I can neither see dac and Upsampler inputs nor disc commands.

Where are you looking? Top of screen , three horizontal bars at he left. Open and select from audio or device options.

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I also use 2.0 and dislike Mosaic for the reasons stated by Franco. DCS need to bring the file viewing (eg by folder) options and selection and queueing options into mosaic, otherwise I will use 2.0 for ever!

As I have already pointed out earlier in the thread most, if not all, of the features that you want already exist in Mosaic. I can only assume that you are less familiar with how to use it then you may need to be.

However, admittedly, I may be mistaken on the “file viewing” issue as I think I would like some further clarification of exactly what you want.

Every so often I respond on how to do things in Mosaic. Really this indicates that the online instructions are inadequate. They do not appear to be updated as versions go by. @Phil please note:

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The file or folder view and the play all folder or queueing procedure is what is missing in mosaic

As stated by Franco

So that is two of us at least just on this list!

Thank you for the clarification. Unless I misunderstand you then, as I said, all of these items are already available in Mosaic. For example do you understand the two part blue " Play All" button which, when you select only the chevron, is where the add to queue option exists?

Hi Richard,

Do you mean when looking at a UPnP server or a USB stick?



Phil, I definitely echo Pete’s suggestion to have Mosaic’s online documentation updated to include its current capabilities.

Hi Anup,

No problem - the instructions are supposed to be being kept up to date.

If you (or anyone else) sees something it doesn’t cover that it should cover or or something that’s out of date or incorrect and can let me know what then I’ll get it looked at …



Phil, I took a proper look at the Mosaic User Guide, it actually has a lot of what I thought was missing! Perhaps the only pieces missing (which are mostly quite intuitive anyway), are;

  • Switching between list view and cover-art gallery view
  • UPnP File/Folder View & playback (specific since it was brought up in this thread)
  • Artist/Album information screens from the Streaming services
  • (Updated) Volume Control screen
  • Disc Transport Control screen

Hi Anup,

This is kind of what I was hoping but was being a tad circumspect about suggesting :smiley:

OK - I’ll raise that to be taken a look at…

This is a function of the UPnP server. The UPnP server software has to provide a folder and file browsing facility for this to be available within Mosaic and of course how that folder and file browsing is presented will also be down to the UPnP server software.

If you can give me some examples for this then I can look into it?


I had thought it had been updated for those … perhaps it has been and hasn’t been published to the site … but I’ll get that raised.

Thanks as always Anup (…and Pete and everyone else who gives us information to work from)…



Hello Phil,

I believe that it has been raised previously, but I would like to see the Mosaic play queue time (total/remaining) feature to be restored.

Hopefully, this won’t be too onerous a task…

Sorry to but in @Phil but this one is very straightforward. When you stream from e.g Qobuz you select the three white dots at the side of the album listed. This opens a drop down menu with links for artist and album information.

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Hi Pete,

No - you feel free to but in good sir! :slight_smile:


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Yes, but the thing is, Asset, MinimServer, and Twonky all support folder based browsing from Mosaic (albeit, with Asset, it’s a little nested, but it’s there). Even the generic “Media Server” from Synology supports folder based browsing from Mosaic!

I haven’t personally tried JMRC recently, or BubbleUPnPServer, or any other UPnP Servers lately, but I’m pretty sure folder browsing is supported by Mosaic with most, if not all. :grinning:

Hi Anup,

Folder and file browsing is supported in Mosaic on any UPnP server that supports that function … it’s just one of the options that gets returned in the UPnP server browse tree so it should be totally transparent and automatic.

If the UPnP server doesn’t support it then it simply won’t be given as an option …

If there are any UPnP servers that you think it should work on but doesn’t then let me know and I’ll take a look…



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Totally with you.

My point was really to the other posters who strangely can’t seem to find folder based browsing from Mosaic (although they don’t state what UPnP Server they’re using).

Awesome Anup, thanks.

Yes, it’s still very poorly understood that after the point where you select a UPnP server then EVERYTHING that you see from that point on is dependent on the UPnP server, not the controlling app and the controlling app can’t add functionality to the UPnP server.

Basically browsing a UPnP server is quite a simple process and the app that is browsing the UPnP server really has to do very little … essentially the UPnP server provides a list of options, the UPnP client shows that list (it doesn’t have to have any concept of what the list is) but it returns back to the UPnP server which option was picked, the UPnP server then either sends another list (of options) or a link to a virtual file which the UPnP client then plays (or adds to a list).

As the file links are to “virtual” files rather than the actual files on the server itself then this is why after a UPnP server is rebooted and has rescanned the files then a playlist is then often invalid as the virtual filestructure can be different - again this is something that MinimServer generally doesn’t do, it maintains a consistent virtual filesystem as far as possible which is another reason we use it to test against.

(OK … that is a much simplified description. The “list” that is returned can include additional information such as graphics etc. so that you can have images in the lists too and so on but it covers pretty much how browsing a UPnP server works.)

The UPnP client NEVER sees the folders and files directly, it never has access to the actual files themselves, it can’t search the folder structure or anything, it can’t update any data, it can’t do thigs like look for files of a type or bitrate or encoding format or anything. All it can ‘see’ is what the UPnP server shows it - so this is why we say that we test against MinimServer because it’s a solid and stable UPnP server that has a well grounded feature set.

While we’re here, it’s also worth mentioning that it is still poorly understood what file tagging is and how it works - and I think this is why people are still very dependent on folder and file browsing.

A good friend of mine (who really should know better) regularly contacts me saying ‘I’ve just updated the tags on my music and the changes don’t show up yet in my app - can you do that thing to refresh it?’

What he actually means is ‘I’ve just been through and randomly changed a load of folder and file names as whatever whims took me and I have no idea exactly what I’ve changed but my UPnP server still shows what it used to so can you remotely run MP3Tag on my PC again to update the file tags with the stuff that I’ve randomly changed across all my collection so that my UPnP server rebuilds its databases…’ … :slight_smile: