The infamous "network issue" or something else?

There was a thread on Roon community back in 2020 that covered this “Chipmunk” issue in some detail;

From the sounds of it - locked up/garbled front panel - definitely sounds like more than just a streaming board glitch. Anyone that encounters this really should escalate to support @ dCS

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As @Anupc has suggested - if you (or anyone else) are having issues with a unit not doing what it should do then please do get in touch with us at [email protected] then we can work through it with you and find a resolution … even if it turns out not to be a physical fault with a unit that perhaps needs to be repaired it is REALLY helpful to us to see the issues that customers do have because it can help us plan around things going forwards.

In this case if a unit is regularly playing audio at the wrong speed and locking up then that does indicate a physical fault with that unit that would need to be attended to.
