Qobuz login problems Rossini

Hi Phil, internet radio was working ok, just qobuz did not (did not allow me to login in mosaic, on three android devices after updating, tried numerous times)

Now qobuz is working again on all three android devices, did not remove or re-downloaded the mosaic app, strangely enough qobuz works again on all three devices without login in ??? ( before it was asking username and password)

You mentioned changing the Qobuz password also. Maybe Qobuz took some extra time to communicate that to your Rossiniā€¦
Just a guess based on a similar experience.

Hi Goran,

Qobuz do not send any account login details out to the Rossini so that isnā€™t possibleā€¦

Best Regards


Yes, changed my password around noon today, with that new password I could not login to qobuz in Mosaic. (I could login the qobuz website and app with the new password)

Thatā€™s why I donā€™t understand that later today I could use qobuz in Mosaic without login in any of my three android devices.

If nobody else had this experience today after updating their android Mosaic app, it must have been a hick up in my Rossini

My own experience with changes in Qubuz and the Android Mosaic app was a pleasant seamless one this time. No problem this time. The other login problem with Qobuz was a couple of years ago. Maybe Gremlinsā€¦