Problems with upgraded upsampler

Pete, I had from distributor a zip file. I unzipped this and I tried, from mac mini, to install it on the Dac following the instructions. So you think I cannot do this V.2.11 upgrade if I do not make the prevoius updates? Thanks

There is something strange going on wit the thread here. My view suddenly shows you as a first time poster (!) and has hidden your post.

" So you think I cannot do this V.2.11 upgrade if I do not make the prevoius updates? Thanks"

I can only speak generally on this but it seems to be the case with most updates for most things that updates need to be installed sequentially. Of course it might be the case that the zip file provided to you by the distributor contains all updates to date and that the installer checks and only installs those missing. It will need the distributor or Andrew or James ( here) to provide an answer on this.

Thanks Pete. I am not a first time poster. I posted under a different id and pwd. I was obliged to create a new account here as I loss the previous.
I hope Andrew or James can write here. Or I have to contact again the distributor.

Hi Piero,

Feel free to drop me a private message on here about your account being lost, will see if we can get this resolved. The reason your posts got flagged as spam was there were two accounts posting from the same IP address on the same thread - seems a bit like spam to a computer!

For the update, can you confirm if you are streaming the audio file via USB from the Mac? If so, which software are you using to do it? To quote the update instructions:

Stream [the file] via the USB interface from a computer set to give perfect 16-bit output. This means no re-sampling to 24 bits or another sample rate, no volume adjustment, no fade in/out. While it is possible to update from iTunes, it is much easier from a bit-perfect program such as JRiver or Audirvana”.

Hi James,

my old lost account was with this email address: [email protected] and I was not able to remember the password. I hope you can solve the spam.

About the update, I received a zip file from the Italian distributor containing the unzipped file VDC_2dot11.wav for v.2.11 Vivaldi dac update. He knew I have 2.00 version for Vivaldi Dac and 2.10 for Vivaldi upsampler. ( I do not like your distributor for Italy, Natali) . I am not sure this software upgrade works as I must install previous versions ( 2.02 and 2.10 ). I stream from a mac mini in which I insert the a pen usb with the above mentioned file.wav. I used Audirvana setted to 16-bit output and also Jriver ( trial version ).

Thanks for helping me. Sorry for my bad English.



Okay, it should work properly with Audirvana. Yes, you can update from 2.00 to 2.10 on the DAC in one go, you don’t need to update to 2.02 first.

  • Make sure the volume control in the software is at maximum, 0dB. Anything else will make the update fail.
  • Make sure there is no upsampling turned on in the software.
  • Make sure fade in/out is turned off.
  • Are you connecting the Mac directly to the Vivaldi DAC or is it going into the Vivaldi Upsampler?

Your English is very good, MUCH better than my Italian :wink:

I connected the mac via usb cable to the Dac. Correct?
With that unzipped file I can update from 2.00 to 2.10 or to the 2.11?

James is that a typo? Should it be 2.11?

It was a typo yes, my mistake! It will update to 2.11 with that file.

Not able to make the update of the Dac from 2.00 to 2.11. Dac displays wrong disc. The Mac mini has to be connected to Dac or to the Upsampler? There is no clear instructions to do this upgrade in the net?
Thanks for reply.

In the User Manual and;

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Thanks Anupc. Really I folllowed this morning the instructions. nothing to do…

Piero, easiest to just connect your Mac directly to the DAC USB port, and follow the instructions contained within the zip file your dCS dealer gave you (there’s should be a “SW Update note_VDC2_11.pdf” file that describes the upgrade procedure in detail).

Even without that pdf, the overall process is rather straight forward; put the DAC into “Update” mode, and playback the firmware upgrade WAV file bit-perfectly through the appropriately selected DAC input.

In the case of using your Mac mini over USB, be sure to select USB input on the DAC, and have an appropriate playback software (like Audirvana, with any upsampling disabled).

If that continues to fail for whatever reason, as an “old-world” alternatively, if you use a CD transport connected to one of the DAC’s S/PDIF or AES/EBU port (and properly clocked). Just burn the upgrade WAV file onto a blank CD as an Audio Disc with your Mac Mini, and then playback that CD via your CD transport while the DAC is in Update mode.

I hope my dealer can help me to make this upgrade.
In the meantime can you please let me know the correct connections from clock to dac and to upsampler?
Thank You

On the Vivaldi clock use the Freq 1 button to set the frequency to 44.1 and using Freq 2 button set the frequency to 48.

Using 75ohm BNC/BNC cables connect one of the group 1 BNC outputs from the clock to the group 1 BNC input on the DAC. Connect one of the group 2 BNC outputs to the group 2 input on the DAC. Using different group 1 and 2 clock outputs do the same to the upsampler’s group 1 and 2 inputs.

If you look at page 9 in the clock user manual you will see a 4 box Vivaldi set up connections illustrated. Just ignore the BNC clock connection to the transport.

Thanks Pete. Following scheme pag. 8 of clock manual, connections ( 75 ohm cables and 110 ohm 1+2 from upsampler to 3+4 to the dac) are correct. More difficutlies to connect properly all samples rate and MQA files from Tidal. While 16/44 files are displayed correct on the upsampler ( W1 ) and on dac you see W1 too with no red error, why in the mqa files reproduction I see a red error on Dac?

The story so far as I understand it is that you have been unable to load updates and still have v.2.00.

The MQA facility needs at least v. 2.10 so that is probably the explanation.

Ok Pete. Now I understand all my problems…Tomorrow I will contact the dealer to make the Dac upgrade.
Thanks so much

Hi all.
As my local Dcs dealer has installed the new board on my upsampler without first installing the new software upgrade on Dac ( from 2.0 to 2.11 ) and not following these instructions Release Notes: Vivaldi DAC 2.11 / Vivaldi Upsampler 2.10 [MQA Release] ,
I am wondering if now I can make the software upgrade on Dac or not… He does not know…
Thank You

You will be able to update the DAC from 2.0 to 2.11, yes. The note in the release notes that the DAC and Upsampler must be updated at the same time is for a separate issue; nothing is broken, but once the DAC is updated to 2.11 all compatibility and functionality will be restored. You should not see any issues in performing the update on the DAC because of the Upsampler being on 2.10.

Was your dealer able to offer any direct assistance with performing the DAC update?