Phase Inversion Pin swap?

I’m not sure if this is correct use or not of the phase setting? I’m going to be outputting balanced into a Accuphase pre amp. The Accuphase balanced inputs have pin 3 and 2 reversed from standard. Usually pin 2 is + but on Accuphase pin 3 is +. Is that what the “Phase” setting is for on the Bartock Apex?

For dCS equipment he pin count for balanced connections is in accordance with most international standards. So pin 2 is hot (+).

AAs you say, Accuphase use a standard that predates the AES standard and which emains in use in Japan. This has pin 3 as hot. USA components used this balanced connection in the past but new units appear to use the pin 2 hot as standard AFAIK.

The effect of connecting the two is to reverse conventional polarity ( phase). So the reversal control in Mosaic or via the Audio Settings menu on the unit can be used to invert this. However any actual sonic effect may be inconsistent. Firstly not all people are sensitive to the change. Secondly maintaining conventional polarity requires the polarity of the recording to be accounted for ( they are variable) and it is necessary to account for any polarity reversal with both amplification or speaker (particularly crossover) components.

Aside from a personal requirement for some kind of neatness it is likely to be a red herring for most people. I am sonically oblivious to such changes, for example. I suggest hat you blindfold yourself and have a friend change ( or not change) phase at random. All you need do is call out when you think a change has been made and say if it is + or -. Can you do this successfully? If so you may need to test all of your recordings to ensure the “correct” phase ( s far as you are concerned) prior to playing them.

I remember a correspondent to Audio Asylum who used to post long lists of recordings weekly as to which he considered + or - .