I searched the forum and Qobuz to no avail. I can can organise my Qobuz favourites in the iOS App fine but it appears that Mosaic pulls and shows the My Favourites data from the web/Safari view, since when I log into my account on Safari and look at My Favourites there, the Artists are all shown in the order in which I picked them, which is the view I get in Mosaic. I’d like to see them arranged alphabetically in Mosaic (which I guess means fixing it in Qobuz/web view). Has anyone resolved this please?
I think this is a frustrating shortcoming in the Mosaic app. It doesn’t allow you to sort your albums/playlists alphabetically, which is a huge flaw really.
I agree Andy. I got a reply from Qobuz confirming that the web page view of MyAccount was not the same as the app and doesn’t allow sorting, etc. of Favourites. So a weakness in Qobuz (not having a common UI across all interfaces) and Mosaic for not allowing you to do basic organisation of your data feeds. A real shame as it definitely dulls the whole streaming experience for me.
Have there been any developments on getting favourites sorted in alphabetical order since these posts nearly two years ago?
Interesting thread from my POV. Personally i use zero organisation on any streaming platform I’ve ever used.
I don’t use playlists, nor favourites. I’ve always just searched for what I want when I want it.
Similarly with CDs (which I cleared out this weekend after 14 years of being in storage) I never organised things in any way. They were where they were and I knew where they were - one of those brain types I guess.
Love to hear how people organise their music so please share.
I use Qobuz Favourites regularly.
Hundreds of new releases occur weekly. I am only interested in classical titles. Friday is the usual day for new releases so each week I look at Qobuz “Discovery” (narrowing it using genre selection). I use their desktop player as the UI is better than trying this on the small screen of a phone etc. I look through the new titles and add those that interest me to Favourites.Note that this section of new releases is expandable and the selection that Qobuz show on the home page is limited. Click the link on the page to see it all.
This allows me to investigate all new releases that are of interest. Prior to streaming the equivalent was review reading and subsequent purchases, many of which turned out to be "hear once and file away " .
Some remain in the list and some are purchased as downloads . However few of these now as Qobuz downloads of classic titles has become unreliable due to incomplete metadata which leads to poor results in Mosaic.
Over time the remaining list gradually lengthens as some are kept so alpha sorting would help. However as Mosaic simply reflects the data it is fed it seems that the solution lies with Qobuz, not Mosaic. However I would want o keep the latest additions separate from an alpha list as having stuff there that I an simply investigating could prove difficult otherwise in practice.
Interesting! I like your approach of using favourites as a filter for what may become a favourite.
I use Tidal Daily Discovery but just listen and if I like it I’ll keep it in mind.
Until you forget .
That’s my natural filter. If it doesn’t stick then I don’t like it