New kid on the block

Unfortunately once you sign a pledge of allegiance to a cartridge manufacturer you are in hook, line, and sinker.
I experienced this when I ran Lyra cartridges, and now the same with Linn. The trade in value offered for your old cartridge towards a new one makes it impossible to leave the flock.

As for the photo of the tonearm on top of the LP12…… in a nice way let’s just say no comment. I like my LP12 to have a certain look ie Linn or Naim tonearm😆

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That’s fine Gregg. Your money, your choice. Just know you might just be missing out on two of the biggest things that have happened in vinyl for like 100 years-or-so… :wink:

Yes, the Supatrac certainly is no looker. The first thought that came into my head when I saw it was “CyberTruck”! But then one of my vinyl buddies started banging on about it in a way he doesn’t usually do and I decided to look into it properly. That’s when the penny finally started to drop. This is really new and really good.

Now Fremer has posted files online from needle drops done with the Supatrac and the SAT CF-1 (that’s €64,000 thank you, Sir), both mounted on his Oswald’s Mill K3 turntable and running Lyra Atlas cartridges and the internet is going into meltdown trying to figure out which is which. Luckily I got my order in before that happened!

Anyway, you heard it here first!

Well, my final thoughts and decision.

After some weeks testing the SC and XLR cables from Nordost Odin Gold and the Synergetic Research full loom i took my decision of changing my cables loom to the Synergetic SRX and the Power Block SX.

At the end because the lower noise i had, the SRX have more detail and much more bass, it was deeper and powerful than the Odin Gold but for a considerable margin.
Also some bad recordings and other good but with some louder mids like some musics from Adele sound more in control and less harsh.

This up-grade was an bargain, i know its a lot of money but its the best upgrade for the money i did because it was like changing my entire system to some levels up, thats how it sound. It’s one of the best systems i ever heard.

Yesterday when I told my usual and trustable sales person witch i deal for more than 2 decades that i would buy the SRX he was sad, but thats life and i even invited him to come to my house to give an listen to the system, I’m sure he would be amazed with this.

My conclusions, the Nordost for my experience its a good deal for the money up to the TYR2, for my experience now i know you can find better value for your money and Nordost is definitely pushing the price bar to far. I was their costumer for like 20 years but the crazy money they ask for the Odin Gold mad me try other brands. I still have Nordost in my Tv system in all the rooms, the Ethernet cables, switch, dc power and grounding. If you don’t believe me, try the SRX and then let me know :wink: