New kid on the block

well, it should for 35.000€ per 0.5m :rofl:

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Yeah, that’s the downside and if I keep this cables then I need to change also the power cables, giving my valhallas2 and the Odin for trade and still I’ll have to spend more or less 70 to 80k, it’s a lot of money, crazy money to be honest.

That’s why probably at this Friday to 8 days the sales representative of Synergetic Research will come here to install the full loom of SRX cables and the Galileo SX power conditioner to see if it compete in SQ with what I have now in my system. They are known by have an excellent value for the money and compete with the very best for more than half the price, that’s what I need now. I don’t want to have the more expensive stuff, I wanna have the best and at the best, the one for the money.

If the SQ does not match, well, it’s going to hurt but like I said I can’t go back now after I had listen to this.

Would be good to compare that spend on cables to the same spend on other changes — could a Rossini Apex and a Clock of some description make a difference you like even more, for example?

(Fellow darTZeel fan :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)


Exactly. For that money, try a Rossini + Clock, or even a Vivaldi. You will be amazed, I think, and for the time being, forget about these ‘crazy’ cables.


Sorry, i dint try that combo but i try the Bartók Apex Vs Vivaldi Apex and only the speaker cable is a much bigger improvement in sound quality by a mile, you get to that conclusion in 10 seconds of listening! Even the new Alexia V and the Vivaldi Apex can’t give you such an improvement in SQ, i was blown away what a simple (not simple) cable can do, its like if had change all my system for a much much higher price and even so, its hard to achieve this.

I knew cables do a diference and a big one, but i never thought my actual components could sound such good. I had to recalibrate some concepts of soundstaging, image, timing, control, deep, articulation, etc.

I got to a conclusion that most of the time people (and myself) waste money on dac, amp and speakers up-grade before they are listening to the full potential of the atual gear they own.

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VERY good point!!!

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I have those speaker cables Lima and have to agree, they are awesome… Also paired with Rossini Apex and Alexia 2’s. I definitely have an itch to move up the DAC chain a bit further, but waiting for the right time to do so. It’s hard to really say where you get the most bang for the buck, but most importantly, all of this stuff is so system and room dependent so a lengthy trial is the only way to go if the shop can provide it. The one thing I liked about cables is that I don’t need to upgrade again, unlike amps, pres, DACs, etc. with that said, once there is successor to Vivaldi, I (or my wallet) is probably in trouble. :slight_smile:

In my mind it’s pretty clear. Bartók. Especially at the sub-€10k prices used non-APEX, non-HP units are currently going for. Yes, going up the range it gets better, but the law of diminishing returns bites really hard.


Pretty much in every area of audio you’re spending some crazy multiple to attain a few extra % of performance…

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Absolutely, but with the step up to the Vivaldi this is compounded by the fact that the Upsampler is a separate box, with the corresponding cable and rack space pull-throughs.


True and this is getting crazy. That’s why i will give it a try to Synergetic Research, they are known to beat the much more expensive competition costing more than 2 times the price and I’m sure is still a profitable business to them.

I hope is like the Porsche 911 turbo s Vs Ferrari or Lambo, less expensive but better in every way possible.

I’m client and huge fan for many years of Nordost. The Odin Gold is really something like I’ve never experience but i have no doubt that is no justification to that price. But they put it and we buy, so, for them is all good. But there’s always a point when us (costumer) say “that’s enough” and we try something else. Even the Odin 2 have a price that is not justified, 30K for 2m speaker cable would be already super expensive but more fair price. 63K euros in my country, to 2m SC is really a lot of money… and then 39K more to 1m XLR… Is more than 100K euros and for this principle the next generation will cost 120K euros for speaker cable and 70K for XLR, that’s what they were doing…

Please post your findings here. Very curious to see how they compare in your system.


That’s why I started with the cable first before I went down the rabbit hole.

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I know what you’re getting at there Lima but as a lifetime Porsche owner with more than a few hundred thousand 911 miles behind me (and having had a few v12s), its like saying blondes are better in every way. Ill give you that the 911 is the best built car on the road and unbelievably reliable, but v12S are beasts. A different animal.
I do support your analogy though😎


Well, I’ve got for almost a week the Odin Gold XLR together with the speaker cables and the Odin from the wall to my Vibex power and then Valhalla 2 power cords and i have to say that the results are astonishing that i even told my wife that the Synergetic have a lot to give to even be at the same level, the feeling that i have is that is impossible to some other cable sound better because the level of performance of my system is like i never heard before and even better than most of the systems costing some times more.

But I also have to say that the Gold XLR was the less impact compared to the speaker cable and the diferences that i felt from the Odin 2 XLR to the Gold XLR was very subtile, so if I keep the SC Odin Gold or my dealer really give me a special price that is almost the Odin 2 price or ill keep the SC with the Odin 2 XLR (10K euros diference). Maybe with time the Odin Gold will have even better performance but for now the difference is only residual.

Tomorrow the Synergetic Research dealer will come here to install the full loom of SRX with the top of the range power filter costing 29K euros. In my mind I think it will have a tuff job to get to the level of performance of the set of cables i have now but i really hope it will get there because the price diference is significant, if I keep the Gold i know me and i will wanna change the power cords also and that’s a price diference for the full loom of more than 80K euros between the 2 brands, and I’m considering 5% more discount that i normally have. Its crazy money, so much that make a private comment to Nordost in Instagram when they made a repost of mine post saying that I’m their loyal costumer for long time but they are going to far putting the price tag on things, every new model as to be twice the price and i believe there’s no reason besides financial interest and the Asia market that likes higher prices to higher quality. I’m not like that and I’m at the point i will listen to the competition.


Hello everyone, a quick update.

To day i had here the dealer from Synergetic research installing the power filter Galileo SX and the speaker cables, power and interconnect SRX.

I just start today the burning in to meanwhile wen achieve the 100hr start testing with the bullets but what impress me most is out of the box I’m listening to music form 1,5h and i did not miss a thing :slight_smile:

One thing is more evident is that out of the box the bass is much deep wile still very fast.
So I’m expecting good things after 300hr of listening and I will share my experience


If the difference is unlistenable, you are missing 80K euros you spent more on the Nordost when you could have gotten the cheaper Synergetic cables to begin with, I guess.

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He has not bought either yet. Both are for evaluation/home loan.


Correct August!

Yo Gregg,

Wah gwaan?

After a helluva lot of reading, talking to people, and listening (we just had the main show here in Stockholm a few weeks ago) I have finally decided on the target arm/cartridge combo for my FrankenTechnics project.

I am going with a SUPATRAC Blackbird (if you haven’t heard about it already, trust me, you will do soon!) and am intending to pair it with a DS Audio W3, unless the Master3 does something truly off-the-charts spectacular.

Both of these products represent as far as I can see discontinuities in the price/performance continuum and both arguably represent the first really new thinking in their respective domains for quite a while.

Before you splash out on an Ekstatic please can I strongly suggest you check out DS Audio’s offerings (if you haven’t already). You might even find yourself curious about the Supatrac, in which case you wouldn’t be the first to put one on an LP12… :wink: