How frustrating, but hopefully not too hard to figure out what is going wrong here as your setup is fairly simple (presumably the router is providing the wifi coverage for your controller, correct?). Please try the following and report back.
Can you “see” your N1 from the Melco app on the same device as the Mosaic app?
After the upgrade did you turn everything on again from the Router working downstream (i.e. Router, then ADOT, then S100, then Upsampler)? If not please turn everything off and do that.
Then can you check the IP address of your Mosaic client and that of your Upsampler (via the front panel) to check they are on the same subnet (third group of digits in the IP address).
I have a similar set up but with the original S100, N5 and without the ADOT conversion.
Some way of eliminating possibilities might meed to be tried.Hence these fairly random suggestions:
Ensure that the correct IP address is recognised by your dCS. Use the dCS front panel menu to check ( menu/info/unit status). It should look something like If it is not of this nature then Mosaic will not find it. Booting up the dCS device before the network connection is established, for example, can cause errors.
2 Check that ADOT is functioning correctly. Take it out and substitute a temporary ethernet connection to router.
Failing the above open your router settings and look for any selections that may affect network packet activity. In short see if IGMP Snooping is checked and if so, uncheck it.
Congratulations. As you can see my response time was beaten by @struts001.
As an aside, whilst I steer away from subjective recommendations , in this case I will put my discipline aside and mention that I am sure that you may find the addition of the Plixir Elite PS and its Reference power cord to S100 worthwhile ( if you haven’t already). NB: I cannot think of a reason why this should be, but there it is.
Hello Pete. I do have a Plixir Elite psu but with the standard dc cable. The ‘statement’ dc cables are quite expensive and whilst probably a desirable upgrade I don’t think there is enough of the kid’s inheritance left to buy one. But thanks for the suggestion.
I guess we all have different values. However in the context of your Melco/S100/Plixir system the cord is pretty reasonable IMO. £200 including VAT ( UK prices). £166.67 net. Nearly a quarter of the price of the Melco C100 SFP copper direct connection cord that you have. See if your dealer can get one for you to borrow. NB: It is likely too be too bright for the first hour of use from new.
I don’t know about those expensive cables that you mention. The reference cable that I have is about 3 weeks old and I double checked the invoice before writing. It is 2.1m long but he packaging suggests that it is also available in 1.0m and 2.5m lengths.
I cannot speak for its performance other than the DC link from Plixir to S100. It may nor may not be significant for your ADOT or other use.
I have changed the Plixir power supply (Melco S100) out for an Ifi Elite, large difference compared to the Plixir in my system. (Ansuz C1 powercord feeding the Ifi powersupply)
The cable is the same price at Future Shop. I have looked at the FS offerings and think that you are mixing up cables. I am talking about the Reference ( or Statement) DC cable from Plixir to S100. The expensive cables that you seem to be talking about are AC cables to Plixir from mains outlet or balanced cable for N10.
NB: I also know an excellent AC cable at al ower price if you are interested and , if so, I will PM you.
Pete, yes you are quite right. I looked up the ADMM Plixir UK price list which shows the DC cables available and refers to them as ‘Reference’ cables priced at £200 for 1m and £325 for 2m. I would need the latter. The 2.1 and 2.5 options refer to the plug size for either a 5v (for ADOT) cable or 12v (for S100) cable.
Two 1.5m power cables are shown - Elementa at £169 and Reference at £995.
Were you referring to the Elementa ? Please PM if different
I have PM’d you this morning but the forum software has not recorded it. I will write again but would you kindly first confirm whether or not you received my message.