Need help with Rossini DAC and Clock Set Up

Hi All,
My Rossini DA has stopped playing High Def Audio. I use Roon to stream High Def audio files ( am a subscriber to Tidal Hifi and Qobuz). However, even when the file/album is in High Def format, the Rossini display shows 16/44.1 Example Van Morrison’s album “Latest Record Project Vol 1” is in [ 96KHz 24 bit] but when I play it via Roon ( via an ethernet switch) the Rossini display shows 16/44.1 KHz
This was not happening before ( have had Rossini DAC and Clock for a year).
I did change power cords etc. so am presuming that I have disturbed the settinkHz
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.



Changing power cords should have zero effect. It sounds as though something is happening at Roon. What does the Roon playback status show?

Thank you Greg. You are correct. When I switched from Roon to Mosaic, the Rossini was back to normal. So I uninstalled Roon from my tablet and reinstalled it. That fixed the issue.
I couldn’t find a customer service number for Roon.
Are we ( dCS enthusiasts) stuck with Roon? Any alternatives to Roon?
Many thanks again for responding.

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Glad you got it fixed. Not stuck with Roon at all. I personally love Roon. But you can enjoy your dCS equipment with Mosaic and MinimServer.

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Thank you again.
I will definitely give Minim Server a try.