Well it’s certainly been going on in the naim forums after the latest few firmware updates they have done.
Basically they took 11 months to implement a few new bits and necessary updates to the streaming side.
The one in november came with a nasty sound that lots with the ND555 hated. They then tried again and it’s better but still not great by all accounts.
Owners waiting for naim to say something but nothing, then now they are saying thats it, its the best we can do.
But reading what some are trying with switching bits on and off, plugging usb sticks in and out, etc, etc. Its just shocking to read it all.
Anyway after the latest announcement, i wounder how many might make the large jump over to dCS. I have certainly showed one naim owner with a ND555 and twin power supplies what he is missing and he was totally blown away with how it sounded and that was before all this firmware problems.
So basically any naim owners thinking of pulling the plug say hi in here
Wake up and start to enjoy how digital can sound, also junk that naim pre amp while you are at it.
But if you fancy wasting a few hours off your life go take a read on the naim forum, it will certainly open your eyes up, especially if you have a good idea how things like this work, i dont but my mate does, and he cannot believe what i have told him is going on.
Cheers dunc
I traded in all my Naim stuff,NDS/555PS,CDX2/XPSDR,NAC252/SupercapDR and NAP300DR for Bartok annd Soulution 311/325 amps.
Had nothing to do with the troubles as mentioned here though,just wanted to try something else. But very happy with the move.
I’ve never used nor tried any of the Naim products here, especially their digital boxes as they’re not attractive to me. However, their Naim Statement 3 boxes amps are incredible, among the few best I’ve ever heard.