Mosaic having to regularly reconnect

I have to regularly reconnect to my Network Bridge.
This happens during use.
The music from Qobuz or internet radio does continue to play but I have to wait for it to reconnect to choose another track, change channel etc.

What is causing this?


If you close the app and restart it or you switch to another app and then switch back to Mosaic or your phone / tablet goes to sleep then it WILL need to reconnect to the streamer (in this case your Network Bridge) … if you leave the app open and the device awake then it should not lose connection.

Reconnecting to the device (in this case your Network Bridge) should take only a few seconds but if the app cannot reconnect directly back to the Network Bridge then it will have to go and search for it again on the network which can take some time depending on what is going on with your network (there are several different “passes” of reconnection depending on what is going on with your network).

Does the app lose connection to your Network Bridge if you set your phone / tablet not to sleep and you don’t switch away from the Mosaic app to something else?


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