Mosaic cannot connect to my Tidal account

Hi, I’ve just encounter my first problem on Mosaic - I was using this app for almost a year, very smooth and easy to use. Today when I attempt to use the Mosaic to play my favor song which I’ve stored in my Tidal account, all the album was disappeared.

I was trying to open Tidal in Mosaic, the system keep showing that it is idle. It keep spinning but wasn’t able to pull up my stored albums.

Then I played the song by using airplay, my Rossini Dac seems working well.

Is anyone else experiencing the same problem ? What should I do to fix this problem ?


Hi Alex,

Welcome to the forum!

We are currently experiencing an outage with our streaming service provider, and are working to resolve it ASAP. Nothing you need to do on your end and nothing you have done wrong, the issue is on our side.

I will let you know here as soon as things should be back online - apologies for the inconvenience.

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Hi James,

Thanks for your reply. It’s seems the problem has fixed, now I can play the stores album again.

Have a great day.


Hi James,

Nothing urgent, but one day it would be interesting to get an explanation on how Mosaic is dealing with streaming services.

I had the same issue this morning. I new it was Mosaic and not Qobuz or Tidal, because it worked with Roon. But I could’t understand why I had this problem, no time out and no error message…So, may be something to do here for the next Mosaic release.

Covid lock-downs was a great opportunity to “reverse-engineer” how things work. I’m not 100% sure of it’s accuracy of course, no doubt James can shed more light on it.

In the mean time, here’s how I believe things flow;


Great schema. Thanks.

But there must be some connection between Mosaic and whatever service before connecting to the streaming service ( to get the catalog, that is where your schema starts).

This connection went wrong this morning and resumed suddenly…so may be Mosaic always connects to whatever server to dCS…or something like that…

Quite right, I didn’t document the Account validation process prior to normal daily use :wink:

On the positive side, I very much value the automatic bespoken setting for MQA on Tidal.
Other systems are just compatible, but not at that extend.
Others, like Linn are compatible only with CD quality …