Method to force Rossini to grab a new address via DHCP?

I replaced my router yesterday which moved all my devices to a new local subnet (they were 192.168.0.x, now they’re all 192.168.1.x.)

I couldn’t find an obvious way to tell my Rossini to lease a new address, so I just brute-forced it by doing a power switch power cycle, but is there another way?

You could reset the streaming interface via the web interface, but a power cycle is probably the easiest way.

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Hi @BillK

If the Rossini is connected to a network switch then powering down the network switch for thirty seconds and powering it back up again should force all the devices connected to it to re-request DHCP addresses, alternatively unplugging the Rossini’s network cable (at either end) for thirty seconds and plugging it back in again would too …

DHCP assigned IP addresses also have what’s called a “Lease Time” which is configured in the DHCP server (which can be anywhere up to 30 days IIRC but that’s not a sensible value - usually 8-24 hours is the norm) and after that lease time expires then the device will re-request a DHCP address (the router will usually re-issue the same IP address again unless it has been rebooted or swapped out) so your (DHCP configured) network devices should eventually automatically acquire new IP addresses anyway without any intervention.

…but yes, powering it down for thirty seconds is probably the easiest way to force it. :slight_smile:


Cool, thanks.