Melco N5 with Mosaic

This aimed at @Antonis as he uses Melco N5 but feel free to chip in if you have something to say.

I have been mulling over upgrading my N17. I would like to hear of your experience with the N5 as NAS rather than as a streamer. Were you able to compare it to other NAS solutions especially earlier Melco models?

I am under the impression that the more expensive N1 is basically the same but with a more luxurious case and with a couple of extra USB ports. Is that correct?

The N1 also uses ssd, plus has a clock input.
Not sure how they sound in comparison to the older models when just using the drive.

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I used the older top model N1Z S20 for a while and recently upgraded to the N1 S38. The S38 is similar to the N5 but has a 10 MHz input.

Never heard the N5 but the S38 is a huge step in bass quality, realism and staging.

An additional clock takes it even further up.
I use a Mutec REF10 SE120 with Habst 50 Ohm-BNC cables.


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I am afraid I have not much to report on the N5 yet.
The plan is a) to rip my CD collection using a Melco D100 and b) to use the N5 for playback of my downloaded music files (on external SSD).
One thing that is worth mentioning though, is the excellent support (I had some issues with the Melco app) of ADMM.

Currently Using Roon now but researching a melco N1 for solution with Lina DAC. Im trying to stay in reasonable territory as I just purchased the AIC-10. seemed N1 is reasonable price.

Just want the best sound naturally solution

I have to mention that is not the optimum way to use your N5. One essential feature for which you have paid a lot of money is the 5TB of onboard low noise, specially selected and mounted storage. NB: although the N1 uses SDD and the N5 HDD, Melco have always expressed reservations about SSD even though they are a major manufacturer of them ( they are part of Buffalo). So use of a standard external USB SDD device is unlikely to give you any advantage IMO especially as ( from much experience ) the USB connection itself is an issue from an SQ viewpoint when live streaming from the device.

So just transfer the data from your external SSD to the Melco. That is very straightforward as you simply plug the SSD into the N5 and configure the transfer from the Melco’s display. You may note that the transfer takes longer then you expect. Melcos have a specially developed slow writing protocol, another element which they feel improves the result. Easy to do and then you can compare if you want.

If price is a consideration ( always is with me), don’t forget the N5:

Thanks for the advice, I will do that!

Hi Pete , I recently upgraded my melco n1zh60 to the new n1-s38 and the improvement to sound quality is substantial. The bass is deeper , higher resolution , soundstage wider and with more depth but noticeably there is more flow to the music . I connect the melco to an English electric switch which also connects the Rossini . I have not yet tried the direct connection between the melco and Rossini which according to the manual offers the best sound quality. I am now intrigued to try the melco s switch as I have found considerable sound quality improvement moving up the melco range ( n1h40 to n1zh60 to n1-s38).

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old melco user here…
I tested Melco USB - Rossini vs Melco Ethernet-Switch-Rossini (upnp).
I preferred the upnp setup. Btw- same results with Innuos.
Imho the best way to stream in the dCS world is via upnp!

Many thanks. This is particularly of interest to us who already use the older series of Melco units. It is very encouraging and confirms the reviews that I have read. My remaining issue is - do I really need it? We’ll see.

Yes the direct connection of Melco to dCS and the S100 switch (or S100/2 as it is now) are well worth your trying IMO. Let us know if you do.

Hi, but I think that you may be using the wrong terminology. I think that you are saying that network ( Ethernet) connection from Melco is preferable to USB. UpnP is the streaming service for your stored local files and does not affect the connection. BTW, otherwise you are right :smiley:.

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UPnP is IP-based so requires a (wired or wireless) network connection.