Lina screen black after wake-up


Normally I turn off my Lina dac but on rare occasion I just turn it off with the mosaic app which basically turns off the screen.
Now for the third time when I wakeup the Lina the screen stays black and won’t turn on not even with the turn off/on option in the app.
The buttons on the front of the Lina are responsive but the screen stays off. I need to turn it off by holding the front button and turn it back on.
Because I normally turn the Lina completely off it is no issue but waking up from sleep should turn the screen normally on I guess.

Is this a software issue or something els?

Btw: The screen brightness slider is turned to left which is most dimmend. May worth mentioning?

If you hover your cursor over the display brightness setting in Mosaic you should see a numeric value. If it is fully to the left this is 0.0 or off. Hence your issue.

You may also like to look at p.41 of the user manual which concerns the display settings in the unit’s menu.

Sounds logical Pete but this is not the case, yes the slider is all the way to the left 0.0 but that is maximum dimmed and not off.
There is an option to turn the screen on and off above the slider.

Perhaps there is a software bug that is leaving the screen off when you turn the Lina on from sleep mode and the slider is set to 0.0?

I suggest that you contact dCS support:

[email protected]

Playing with display settings in Mosaic, frankly the settings and resulting visual impact is not very sensitive IMO. Despite the slider suggesting continuous variation, in practice I see dim, semi-dim and full on.

Thanks for the response Pete. I guess Vivaldi settings deviate from Lina settings.

It seems that if you leave the dim slider at 1.0 or higher the screen turns on when you wake-up the Lina. So for me problem solved.