LINA Master clock sleep mode

I use the LINA Master clock on my Bartok DAC and I like what it does very much.
I was wondering if I should let the LINA clock ON all the time in sleep mode when not in use.

Thanks a lot.

This really depends on how much time you can give the Lina Clock to warm up before you start listening, and how critical a particular listening session is going to be. The Clock will be one of the most critical components to have warmed up to temperature for the best sound quality, and it will be much quicker to get up to temperature if it is coming from standby than it will if it has been switched completely off.

If you would like to turn it on and have good sound quality within a few minutes, you should leave it in standby. If you can leave it switched on for a good amount of time before listening, it can be fully switched off.

dCS units can take a good while to get up to temperature, and while it isn’t so much of an issue for the Lina Clock, I would definitely give it at least 10 minutes from being switched off for the OCXO to get up to temperature and stabilise. Longer will be better if it is completely cold, but 10 minutes should be sufficient for normal listening.

If you were going to leave one of your units in standby, the Clock would definitely be my recommendation as it is the most temperature sensitive and has the lowest power consumption.


Thank you very much James for the explanation. Since I listen to it almost every day, I think I’m going to leave it on stanby all the time if there’s no problem doing so.

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No problem at all with that - it’s not going to cause any premature wear on components or that sort of issue. I leave mine in standby for that same reason,