Hi, I have a Lina stack and a WA 33 elite+Jps tube amp. Can I use both sets of Lina Dac out puts? One for the Lina Amp connection and one for the WA 33 tube amp both connected at the same time so I can A/B the output?
The balanced XLR to the Lina amp and the Unbalanced RCA to the WA 33 amp?
It is normal dCS practice to ensure that the XLR and RCA outputs of the DAC are fully buffered. So dual connection is possible. Remember, though, when making comparisons that the cables may alter the sound and the two cannot be identical in this situation. Also bear in mind that the input sensitivities of the two amplifiers are not likely to be the same.
Thanks for the quick response. Can you clarify how you would make these connections. Lina Dac XLR to “buffered” lina Amp input. Then the RCA out of the Lina Dac to the WA 33?
I checked the spec online of the WA 33 which has one RCA input. So it is straightforward unless I misunderstand what you intend. XLR out from the DAC to XLR in on the Lina amp. RCA out from the DAC to the RCA input of the WA 33.
Note that the XLR and RCA DAC outputs will both be “live” at the same time.
I caution against just quickly doing a/b comparisons. You will discern differences but psychoacoustics may make conclusions misleading. We do not listen normally like this and longer term aberrations can go completely unnoticed. Further, changes can be misinterpreted, for example what may be heard as more detail might just be excess treble. After hearing excess bass, correct bass may sound too lean initially. Longer term listening to either may prove more rewarding.
Understood, To clarify I was a bit unclear. I am not really looking to do quick A/B comparisons. I am more looking to see what the difference really is and does a tube amp chain of this quality have a place in my audio hobby. I mostly wanted to make sure I am not doing anything that will damage the equipment?
Waking this thread up again as I have a similar question…
My headphone rig is the Lina stack.
I have been considering getting a second Lina and clock for my two channel system and wondering the following…
Can I connect the clock and DAC to both the Lina headphone amp AND my McIntosh C2700 in my stereo rig, thus having my cake and eat it too, without the need to buy new gear?
I’d want to listen to headphones as the stack intends, and then my speakers using the clock and DAC when using my stereo system.
Please advise me as though I am a moron, although that isn’t quite the case!
The Lina Clock doesn’t connect to the Lina Amp (or your McIntosh amp), so you can exclude the Clock from any considerations. (Rest assured that it should make a welcome difference to everything you hear, though.)
Provided it’s nearby — i.e. your cables reach — you can use the Lina DAC to drive the McIntosh amp you use for your speaker rig AND the Lina Amp you use for your headphones. Simultaneously. Without buying another Lina DAC or Clock.
Lina Amp gets sound from the Lina DAC
McIntosh amp gets sound from the Lina DAC
Only thing to remember is that both outputs are on all the time, so be wary of blasting either your speakers or your headphones if you use the Lina DAC’s digital volume control as well as any volume controls on your Lina Amp or McIntosh.
Exactly what @all2ofme says, and how he and I and a bunch of others have their systems set up - with other dCS DACs but the principle is exactly the same.
I use the balanced outputs to drive my headphone amp (which is balanced-only) and the single ended outputs to drive my speaker amp.
Ben’s point about always keeping in mind volume levels in the context of both systems (if you are using the Lina’s volume control) is very well taken!
I’ll addd that you may need to adjust the line voltage when using either your Lina headphone amp or the McIntosh C2700 or find a setting that is a compromise suiting both.