Issue in reproducing DSD files

Thanks guys. I’ve tried but it’s still not working. When I try to play a DSD128 file it loses connection with the Nucleus.

Sounds like you may need to do some network bird-dogging. How is your Nucleus connected to your Bartok?

Both the Nucleus and the Bartok are connected via ethernet. They’re not connected directly. Is that correct?

Can it be a processing power issue of the Nucleus?

Correct. And no, the Nucleus should be more than capable of handling this. At the risk of asking the obvious, and having made sure you’ve saved the settings as discussed above, have you rebooted both devices?

Yes. I’ll retry now. Question: should I disable Native DSD processing in Roon?

I think I’ve solved it by desabling “Native DSD Processing”!

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I was just about to answer you on that. But I am curious why that setting is even there. Must be something specific to Bartok. It’s not available for my Vivaldi setup, but I do recall it is one of the settings available for other devices. Anyway, hope all is good now.

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All good now thanks Greg. I don’t know why that button is there either. I’ve read that it uses a lot of CPU.

Well, it should be there for DACs that don’t require DOP.

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