Gin Soaked Boy?

My new Bartók arrived today and during the course of setting it up, I opened The Mosaic App and tapped the ‘Play Queue’ tab, only to find a load of songs, mostly named “Gin Soaked Boy” in various formats.:astonished: Any ideas guys?
Please see screenshot attached

The sequence of the format of tracks follows those capable of being processed by current dCS DACs.

dCS test everything before releasing an item. So I am guessing that we are looking at the play queue from a test sequence, evidence of which has but has been left in error. No more than a guess but has anyone from dCS a comment ?

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Hi Pete

Sounds feasible, just as long as it’s not a product that was returned to dCS for some reason.:thinking:

Not likely. Visiting them a couple of weeks ago it was fascinating to see the racks of automatic testing equipment.

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Hopefully Phil, or one of one the other dCS staff will know.
My dealership in Essex, didn’t know how the tracks got on there either.:thinking:

Would have been extremely impressed at the targeting had it been “Merlot soaked boy”.

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Rob, just a tip. Friends here using text to speech applications as they are blind or have limited vision cannot understand picture insertions without text. Text within the image itself cannot be read.Please put something in any accompanying text or add a brief description should you do this in the future.



Hi @Merlot52

Yup - we have a set of test tracks that are “Gin Soaked Boy” at (IIRC) every PCM sample rate from 32kHz through to 384kHz (and at different bit depths) that are used during final testing, looks like when it was run through testing they forgot to do a factory reset on it before turning it off (something that I have to admit I’ve done myself as everyone does a couple of weeks in production when we start)…

I got bored of Gin Soaked Boy so when I was recently setting up test audio files on a NAS for service to use I did Pink Floyd “Division Bell” at every sample rate and bit depth instead… :slight_smile:


Good morning Phil
Phew! Thanks for confirming that.

While you’re around, and save me doing a post on the subject.:grinning:
I have scanned the forum and read the Bartók Instruction manual numerous times without success.
Page 41 states, “You can set the display to automatically switch off after a period of inactivity” (Auto switch off). Does this feature still exist, as the manual is several years old?
On the Bartók, using the buttons, if I set the Display to OFF, it turns off the Display after about 5 seconds.
If I set the Display to ON, the Display stays on without any activity. Well, I gave it about 40 minutes without activity.
Is normal behaviour, or am I doing something wrong?:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


No problem…

Nope - that is correct … the display turns on when you are adjusting things or pressing buttons and back off again after a few seconds.

So how are you finding it?


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Odd if you have a new Bartok. The current manual is only a year old.

Given your earlier concerns regarding the provenance of age may I suggest that you contact Phil via the support address, provide its serial number and ask for date of manufacture?

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The Division Bell, now that’s a bit more like it!:+1:

Hi Pete
Thanks for the link for the Bartók manual V04, dated 02/022024.
The manual supplied with my Bartók is dated 21/06/2022. V03.
Will send Phil a message regarding this.

Thank you

The Bartók is stone cold, so is my Naim amplification, which has be turned off for about 3 days.
However…That wonderful, rich, crisp, sound is back!:blue_heart: