Dcs Vivaldi Clock and Mutec ref 10 120

After using the Mutec normally connected to the Vivaldi, out of nowhere the connection stopped working and the master clock connection icon on the Vivaldi clock stopped lighting up.
The DCS is in the menu as AC and not TTL
I tested the cables and inputs on the Mutec and it didn’t work
Turning it on and off and changing the BNC cable didn’t work either
Apparently the signal isn’t passing from the Mutec to the Vivaldi clock
On the Mutec the input is also correct and enabled
The Vivaldi Clock works normally properly clocked with the DAC, Upsampler and Transport
Any suggestions?

The dCS Master Clock Reference input should be set for TTL, not AC.

Signal Format of all Clock Outputs

  • Square wave, 10.000 MHz, 2 Vpp, 50:50 duty cycle
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My bad AC and TTL does not work

Have you tried all the available 75Ω ports on the MUTEC? Unless you have a Meter to test at home, there’s no way to know if one or the other ports are faulty except to check with your dCS and MUTEC dealer.