dCS at High End Munich 2024

Hi Nigel,

Yep - I was here - not sure what was in D111 but I wasn’t. :slight_smile:

I was in Hall 1 Cabin A08 all the show. :slight_smile:

Heading back to UK in the morning - just packing down all the kit at the moment. Have a stack of 21 Lina boxes in front of me which is scary when you think that’s £210k just in itself!




Aha! All the dCS posters around the place were about D111 (with d’Agostino etc, like at Whittlebury) so I assumed that was where you’d be…
… and I confess to skimming Hall 1 twice because it was headphones central and I’m going through one of my less ‘phones phases. If I’d focused on Lina a little more…

Safe travels,


Yup … D111 was Audio Reference - our German Distributors. :slight_smile:

We also had room F209 too … they’d have told you where I was. :smiley:

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Which one is the Bartók Apex exactly? :grin:


@james. I’m not certain but i believe i met the gentleman second from right at axpona the first year open after covid.

I believe the boss is second from left. That would make him ‘Apex’! I know Rav (third from left). Can anyone name the other employees? It’s nice to be able to associate faces with email addresses when communicating with dCS.


Yes of course, left to right you have…

Phil (Technical Support Specialist), David (MD), Rav (Sales Director), John (VP Sales), Alasdair (Account Manager), James (Product Marketing Manager), Emron (Head of Sales, North America), Ady (Experience Manager)

Hope that helps.


You get brownie points for spelling Alasdair correctly.

Phenomenal show this year, we sacrificed a lot of seating in our room to allow us the luxury of being able to position the loudspeakers optimally. We wanted a room that was sound-first and because of that, the Sabrina ended up at least 3m from the rear walls!

The Lina DAC and Clock partnered beautifully with the VTL S200 and Wilson combination and I daresay it sounded better than the D’agostino/Wilson Alexia system from last year!


See? Good description? :rofl:


You look very sociable, @Phil not awkward at all!


You exceeded expectations again @Phil! :wink:

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…but you see that the Avatar has another reason to be appropriate now? :rofl:

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Haha, I had never actually looked that closely before but now I see it’s Baloo. Perfect!

(Mine is also symbolic btw).

Also significantly lighter!

; )


My Best of Show award for Munich High End 2024 goes to dCS. This room captured me emotionally like no other room , and sonically it was better than every room I visited. The team at dCS outsmarted the competition this year in two ways. First, it brought the right system for the room, and second, it setup the system perfectly.


We’ve been passing this article around internally, it’s amazing to receive feedback like this.

The devil is always in the details and we agonised over set-up. John did a phenomenal job with fine-tuning the loudspeakers and integrating the Loke subs.

It’ll be good fun improving upon this system at next year’s show, I think we’ve set a good benchmark!


I can only imagine how hard your job is to set up a system in rooms like the one pictured above! it is exciting to see such great feedback!

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Oh schucks, stop it. I’m blushing!

dCS pay me to travel around the world to help our owners, dealers and distributors, share old and discover new music and occasionally break a sweat doing set up at shows.

Very conservatively, there’s over a century of combined experience in the team that attended Munich. It was amazing to put that experience to use when we sat down to discuss how we were going to show exactly what the Lina DAC and Clock is capable of.


The room looks great, just wondering why the subs are behind the main speakers when there is ample space to align them.

By the way the youtube vids sound good :wink: