I currently have a Rossini APEX DAC paired with a Rossini Clock. Recently, I added an Antipodes K22 server to my setup, which features an internal clock with clocked outputs. I am using the USB output from the K22 to connect to the Rossini DAC.
There is no option to turn the internal clock of the K22 off or to bypass it.
I would like to inquire whether this configuration might result in “double clocking” and if it could potentially lead to any errors or issues that may affect sound quality or sonic result.
If you are going USB from the Antipodes to the Rossini then you’re fine - nothing to worry about.
You don’t need to turn off the internal clock of the Antipodes as it needs that for its digital audio output, using USB will just use the Rossini’s clock source.
If you decide to swap to AES then the Antipodes doesn’t have 44.1 and 48k wordclock inputs so it would be impossible to feed it with clocks from your Rossini Clock … in that case I would set the sync for the AES input to “A” (auto / audio) and let the Rossini extract the clock from the AES input data.
Would that be the same advice for Ethernet feeds from NAS? I can’t think of any NAS units with word clock inputs. Melco N1 has a clock input but that is for 10mHz.
Pulling data via Ethernet is a totally different method of playback … in that case the input audio data is buffered and not transferred ‘in real time’ from the source.
When playing back data from the network your audio sync options are “M” (Master) where the Lina / Bartok / Rossini / Vivaldi uses its INTERNAL clock to sync playback to or, if you have an external clock that has 44.1 and 48k outputs, then you can set the audio sync to “W” to use the external 44.1 and 48kHz clock feeds.