Bartok USB Input Issue

Hi, I have a Bartok running the latest 1.1.3 software and have the following issue. My computer recognises the Bartok dac and shows this as destination. I can select the USB input via the front buttons on the Bartok but on Mosaic it says ‘Nothing Found’ on the USB input and will not select it

Hi David,

Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear you’re having this issue.

When you select the USB input from the front panel of the Bartók, does it show USB1 or USB2?
You’ll need it to show USB1 for operation with a PC using the USB Type B connector on the Bartók.

What sounds like is happening in Mosaic is you are selecting USB from the top of the source list, which is for reading music files from an attached USB stick. If nothing is connected, it will show ‘Nothing Found’. However, this won’t be relevant to playback from a PC.

If the unit is set to the USB1 input from the front panel, you should just be able to play audio from your PC and hear sound through the system.

Hi thanks for the reply. Yes, the unit plays correctly if I select USB1 from the front panel. So in fact you are saying I cannot select USB1 source with Mosaic?

You should be able to select it by opening the menu (top left of the screen), selecting Audio, then selecting Source, and choosing ‘USB / PC’ from the list. This list also gives access to the other sources which do not need media browsing, like SPDIF or AES inputs.

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