With the upgrade program end date looming, I’m thinking about options regarding my K30. When I bought it I was using the Chord TT2/MS combo which played very well with USB. I bought a CAD cable and all was good in the world.
However, I have since changed my DAC to one that prefers ethernet and over the last few months have been optimising my network and trying all manner of combinations for cables/connection/switches/power and have landed with a Phoenixnet with the DAC (DCS Lina) and K30 connected to the switch. I mostly use Roon and believe its SQ has improved a lot lately, but also have other network options either using DCS Mosaic or Jplay or any other network player.
The set up I’ve landed on as sounding best effectively means the K30 player section is redundant and only the server is used, running Roon.
So, what should I do with the K30? The upgrade whilst improving the power supply, wouldn’t bring (in theory) any other benefits as they focus on the player section which I don’t use. My options seem to be: a) keep as is and be happy b) have the upgrade done but it doesn’t feel like it would be good value or c) change to a K41 and get a better server focussed unit.
Appreciate any thoughts on what any of the changes may or may not improve.