What makes 6v better than 2v


(Pulled this off the “Show system” thread into where it should probably be)

Not being able to tell the difference was, I’m sure, dCS’ goal. So, it’s a good thing. That said, I can understand the urge to know which one measures better objectively in your system.

I agree with Pete’s point (in the other thread and here), that the Signal-to-Noise ratio differences is unlikely to be the main cause for any sonic difference as the noise floor in all cases are so low it’s mostly beyond normal hearing.

That said, the reason I took a brief look at the difference in dynamics was precisely because thats what I felt I was hearing as the difference, not so much any lowered resolution (from an increased digital volume attenuation or anything).

I think it’s a very interesting question that warrants a proper measurement, but it’s mostly an academic one; case in point, I still occasionally change the voltage depending on what I’m listening to, to suit my subjective preference at the moment :grin: