Vivaldi screen when changing volume

This could be a very silly question — be gentle.

Does the Vivaldi DAC display the volume in lovely large text when you change it? It’s been a long time since I was near a Vivaldi system…and can’t find a single bloody picture online. Nowhere. Maybe my Google-fu is eluding me.

My Bartók does, and it tickles me every time it does. I have a thing for nice displays…and sometimes it’s wrong to take stuff for granted — I was very surprised to learn that the dCS logo isn’t backlit on the Vivaldi gear. (I have mine gently on on the Bartók, and quite like it.)

These are very deep serious questions :woozy_face:

Yes it does Ben, big and bold just like on your Bartok :smiley: :+1:t3:

It feels like it would be over the top to mark that as “Solution”…but I’m kinda tempted.

I really wonder why there’s no pictures of that anywhere. I believe you, of course, I’m just boggled that I’ve not found one. Wouldn’t it be odd in eight or nine years of Vivaldi being out there making people happy that no one snapped or filmed one and then put it out there?! You could be in that pioneering group, Anup “The First Human to Post Vivaldi Volume Indicators Online”.

Life goals! :rofl:

I think I’ll leave that to the professionals :laughing:

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p.22 of the user manual.

I’ve no idea why I didn’t check the manual, Pete. Embarrassing :slight_smile:

They’re not just for how to connect Clock cables after all!

Thanks, you two :pray:

Yes it does when using the volume knob on the DAC, or the volume knob of the big remote, but not when using Roon to control its volume.

That’s interesting, Greg — my Bartok does show the volume when I change it with Roon.

Does the change show with Mosaic?

My Rossini shows volume changes no matter how I do it: on the device itself, on the physical remote, via Roon, via Mosaic.

The little graph changes with Mosaic (as it does with Roon), but the big numbers do not appear.

Which is logical. When using Mosaic you are holding a screen where the volume numbers are displayed. When using the IR remote there is no screen, the visual display for it is the Vivaldi DAC screen. You may be distanced some way from it hence the volume numbers are shown in a large font size.

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Right. And just to be clear, the little graph on the screen of the Vivaldi DAC does reflect volume changes from Roon and Mosaic. Just not the big numbers.

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Since I use the volume control on my pre-amp my Vivaldi always stays a 0.0.

I once suggested to dCS that they give us the option to have those large numbers in the display briefly display when the rate changes/. For example 44.1, 96, 192, 384 etc.

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I’m surprised that this thread has turned out as interestingly as it has. (Maybe only to me, however…)

There are at least four ways to change the volume on a dCS DAC:

  1. Front knob
  2. Remote control (dCS original or otherwise, as far as I know they’re equivalent, provided they’re talking directly to the same IR receiver)
  3. Mosaic (volume set over the network)
  4. Roon (volume set over the network)

Of the current range, the Vivaldi is the only one that doesn’t display the big numbers when controlled via Mosaic or Roon. (In fact, on my Bartok, and I would guess the Rossini too, when you change the volume on Mosaic or Roon you can’t see the little graph changing — since the large numbers take over the screen for a few seconds, and once they’ve been dismissed, the new level is already set.)

Initially, I assumed there was a technical reason not to display the large numbers on the Vivaldi in the Mosaic and Roon scenarios — maybe the delicious Upsampler getting jiggy with something — but it feels more likely that it’s just too far down the dCS backlog to implement. After all, if Mosaic and Roon can make a Vivaldi’s little volume graph change, then it’s likely possible to change other pixels too.

Pete, while you’re of course correct that you’re holding a screen that has the attenuation levels already on it, they’re hardly large, and if my 43-year-old peepers enjoy the enormous type, I’d guess other people’s do too. The dCS development on the Rossini and then the Bartok would also suggest they agree. Finally, it seems somewhat unfair to rely on us Mosaic and Roon users to peer down at our phones/tablets rather than our gorgeous dCS casework, or varied altar configurations.

(For the avoidance of any doubt, while I love the big type, anyone keen to swap my BARTOK for a vivaldi, I’m up for that. Pete, I’ll be in a nondescript car and a wig just outside Charing Cross at 4pm if that works for you…:stuck_out_tongue:)


Grindr on dCS, well well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  1. Spotify Connect (via the Spotify App)
  2. The RS232 port (on the back of the dCS units)


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Like it! Number six is pretty hardcore. (Now that’s when a typo like “hardcord” should have presented itself.)

Does the Vivaldi display The Big Type on 5 and 6? I’m sure I could do #5, but suspect I’d muck up #6.

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Nope, it doesn’t, with either.

Interesting question though because, with the Bartók, RS232 port volume change also doesn’t reflect in large text, just updates to the small graph.

Which kinda explains why the Vivaldi DAC’s volume control via Mosaic & Apps similarly doesn’t show up in big text; it’s controlled via the RS232 interlink cable from the Upsampler :wink:

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That bloody Upsampler, eh?! I was too quick to discount it.

Thanks for the sleuthing, Anup. Fantastic that you had a Bartók to compare it to. Not a common pair to have knocking around in close proximity :+1:

The only car you can be in outside of Charing Cross station is a black
cab. And if you can afford to travel by black cab then you can afford a Vivaldi :grinning:.

Now, about that wig…

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