Hi everyone! I would like to pose a question to this knowledgeable group: I added a Vivaldi DAC last December and have been astonished at how much better it is compared to my already world-class DAC (which shall remain nameless). Having tasted the sweet dCS audio ambrosia I am now thinking of my next upgrade. I am debating between the Vivaldi Master Clock and the Upsampler as my next move. For further background, I am running the Antipodes CX as my Roon Core and the Antipodes EX as the Roon endpoint (renderer). The EX connects to the Vivaldi DAC via a Cardas high-speed USB cable. Which of these two dCS products would give me the biggest bang for my buck? I expect that both will eventually find a home in my system but plan to add them one at a time. I have ripped my entire CD collection onto a SSD drive that lives in the Antipodes CX (with a backed up NAS copy) so I won’t ever be looking at a Transport. Thank you!
There is no universal answer to this question. The Vivaldi Upsampler has the best incarnation of dCS’ network player and if you use network replay ( as I believe you do) rather than a transport and silver discs then this should be your preference. Otherwise the clock IMO provides a more substantial, albeit on initial hearing more subtle, foundation to the sound than upsampling, should one care for the latter.
Pete’s right: no universal answer. But, as you already have the capability, ditch that crummy USB interface and go network. Upsampler first, and then start counting the days until you tell your dealer to go ahead and order the Clock.
Been there, done that.
Hey guys, thank you very much for the input. Interestingly, my previous DAC had both an Ethernet and a USB interface and I found myself preferring the USB. Perhaps I should go back and have another listen, as it is still in my system? I also find myself listening mostly to new music streamed from Tidal via Roon running on the Antipodes. I have wondered if going direct to Tidal from the Upsampler would provide superior sound, but I think that I already know the answer to that question
It would be awesome if dCS would come out with a music server that would run Roon, that would probably be the “ne plus ultra” of music servers.
Ultimately, it’s a tough first choice as sound quality is my primary consideration at every turn. Maybe I should just go for both of them, my wife will understand won’t she
Thanks again!
Yes, yes she will.
On a serious note, not all Ethernet interfaces are created equal. But from Lumin to NADAC to TotalDAC to DirectStream to MSB, I’ll take network over USB any day.
And yes, a dCS server would be something interesting, though I doubt it’s in the pipeline. Separately, I think you will find that streaming “remote” from services like Tidal and Qobuz. I find those pleasant ways to surf and sample, but they’re not the same thing as LAN-based streaming. And often not as good as local USB.
See what dCS answered to somewhat the same question.
Hey Greg; actually my wife has always been supportive of my audio hobby. In fact, our relationship started over a mutual love of music and from there a friendship developed. Now, 11 years and 3 kids later we don’t get as much time to listen together but the joy of listening is still there; and now includes the kids too. I think that I’m leaning toward an Upsampler as the next move, for the reasons given by Andrew in the link provided by ChrisK on this thread.
I can’t say that I’ve been able to hear a significant difference between remote streaming services and the files that live on the SSD on my music server, and I think that I have a pretty revealing system. In fact, I find that a streamed MQA file sounds quite a bit better than its corresponding HD file living on my SSD. But, of course I’m comparing apples to oranges there. The difference between a standard 16/44 file on my SSD and on Tidal is there but subtle, at least to my ear. Perhaps the difference will be more noticeable when I have the Upsampler?
As for my LAN, I have a long run of CAT 6 cable from my network switch to my music room. In the music room I have installed a fibre optic interface such that it is converted to fibre then back to a standard copper CAT 7 cable going to my music server. The purpose of this is to filter out the electrical noise coming from the network switch. Seems to have made a small but noticeable difference. Had I known what I know now at the time we built the room I would have run fibre from the network switch to the music room. Hindsight is always 20/20.
I have to say that I’m quite impressed with the willingness to share and help that has been exemplified on the dCS forum. Thanks again!
(System: Antipodes CX+EX server—>Vivaldi DAC—>ARC 40th Anniversary Pre—>D’Agostino M300 monos—>KEF Blades + 2 REL 212SE subs. Shunyata Triton v3 + Sigma, Alpha, Delta NR power cords. All Cardas Clear Beyond cabling. Custom built room with GIK acoustic treatments.)
My wife is very supportive, too. Actually, she’s more than supportive—she doesn’t care what I do or don’t put into it, so long as she can enjoy it. But the joke is still fun!
P.S. Very nice system, but seriously, consider getting away from USB. Go with the Upsampler, you’l be glad you did. Or at least get a demo to give it a whirl.
I agree, the joke is fun. I’m sad for my friends without supportive wives
I’m going to make a serious enquiry about the Upsampler, it’s only money, right?
Thanks again!
Just to clarify, it only costs money. The joy it brings is priceless.
Hey Greg! So, I finally made the jump and ordered the Vivaldi Upsampler. I was going to wait the but my (audio) crack dealer told me that the price was going up mid-August so I figured I may as well save some money because I knew that I would eventually buy it. There was also a deal available on a slightly used, dCS re-certified Master Clock so I ordered that too. They should arrive around the end of the month. Obviously I’m excited and will let you know my thoughts after I’ve lived with them for a while. It’s only money, right?
I appreciate that your message was intended for Greg but which used dCS system master clock have you purchased? There are at least 6 alternatives ( I hope that I counted correctly). Is it a Vivaldi?
Hi Pete, yes it is a Vivaldi.
Well, it was money. Now it’s dCS equipment. Congrats!
Great and congratulations. Reading the thread I hope that I am right in my understanding that, aside from the master clock, you are moving from a Network Bridge to the Vivaldi Upsampler to use with your Vivaldi DAC.
I made the same move myself a few months ago. I found the experience a bit of a roller coaster ride for the first few weeks. My initial reaction on installing the Upsampler was not really all that positive. Yes it was kind of , maybe/ perhaps, better than the NB ( I am putting the upsampling question aside, I am just talking about the comparative network performance ) but not really worth the expense. Then I went through a week or so of actually wishing that I that I had kept the NB.
I must have been running it for several weeks when there was a sudden change. Not something that changed progressively but one track sounded just as expected, the following track leaving me metaphorically open mouthed with surprise and delight. And so has every successive item played.
All I can say is that the Upsampler required more burn in than I anticipated and that ( as I often find) this happened more as a step change rather than incrementally.
I am telling you this just in case that when you receive it your feelings resemble mine during the first few weeks. If so the reward for your patience can be relied upon to come a little later.
Hey Pete, thanks a lot for your insight, which is very helpful. I actually don’t have a Network Bridge, the Vivaldi DAC is the only dCS piece that I currently own. I have the Antipodes CX+EX music server pair. I’m going from the EX to the Vivaldi DAC via USB. My expectation is that I will be able to go directly from the CX, which is running Roon Core, to the Upsampler, which will do the rendering and MQA unfolding. I will also experiment with using the dCS Mosaic software to access my music files that live on an SSD on the CX as well as to stream Tidal. I love Roon but I suspect that Mosaic might sound better. As for the break-in period, yes I expect that it will take several hundred hours. I ran the DAC day and night for about a month and it definitely improved over that time. I still find it nothing short of extraordinary and can’t imagine that it can get better. Over time, I will upgrade the clock cables but for now I will use the stock ones that come with the MC. Thanks again for your input
I don’t know the Antipodes line at all but if you can move from USB to ethernet connection to the Upsampler (the CX appears to offer two ethernet ports and it seems that one is for for direct connection which would avoid a network switch) you should experience quite an uplift in sound quality.
BTW, just a technical point. The Upsampler will decode ( first unfold) the MQA file but he Vivaldi DAC does the rendering.
As for clock cables there has been much discussion here over the past months. If you want ( and I remain sceptical) to use cables costing a couple of grand each then I can understand that being a project for the future. However 75 ohm BNC/BNC from Blue Jeans ( Belden cable) or from Designacable (Van Damme Plasma) cost only a handful of dollars/pounds/euro each and are way, way, superior to the stock ones that come in the box. See the clock cables thread which is currently showing below this one. I would order them now as they are custom made and will be in your possession by the time your Upsampler arrives. As Pale Rider ( Greg) has rightly observed the availability of the Van Damme in multi colour choices makes connection easy when you come to do it and you can easily see which cables relate to which frequency group and to which component.
Hi Pete, yes, the CX does have two network ports. The second one is currently being used to connect the EX but I would repurpose that for the Upsampler. I’m using Cardas ethernet cables and they were quite a jump over the Cat 7 cables I was using before.
Thanks for the clarification on the MQA rendering.
As for clock cables I did see that thread and the mention of the Van Damme gear. I went to their website to have a look but found it not all that intuitive to navigate and find the appropriate cables. Also, there didn’t seem to be any indication of the hierarchy of their cable lines. I gave up and left it for a later time. I have been very happy with Cardas Clear cabling throughout my system so I was going to try their 75 ohm cables as well as some Shunyata cables. Perhaps the Van Damme is a more cost-effective option, I don’t know. Will have to do some more research. Thanks again for the input.
Thanks Greg!
That is because there isn’t one. As you may have spotted from their home page they do not supply to the home market. They only cater to the professional world where it is only important for the cable’s technical specification to match the user requirement ( which may include things like fire retardant properties and low visibility under stage lighting).
For our purposes it is therefore necessary to find a pro market finished cable supplier ( rather than one selling off the reel). I recommend Designacable in the UK who mainly make cables for the studio or touring show market but are happy to supply the home market. The cable you need for wordclock is linked in the clock cables thread but to save you looking it up here it is again:
If you really want Cardas or Shunyata cables fine but as you say that they are financially some way off then use these ( from 10.92 gbp/$14.82 only for 1m) in the meantime. The stock cables, whilst functional, will not provide anywhere near to the best listening experience. I would leave it open whether or not you will actually feel that there is any need to change the Van Damme’s later…