Varèse Signal Path Presets

Page 15 of the Varèse manual lists signal path presets based on listening tests. Could someone provide guidance on the specific settings for each data source?

I see that you are new to the forum. I hope that you will find it of help and of useful information.

The signal path presets for Varese are unfortunately not available to you ( I understand that you newly have a Bartok). However Mosaic is always under development and you can look forward to the next iteration and see what you get :thinking:

What , however, is essential to understand is that there is NO correct answer for setting filters.Your personal taste is the only arbiter. The suggestions of dCS are exactly that; suggestions. There are six filter positions and a selection of suitable filters is offered for each sampling rate. The only way to select what is preferable to you is to listen to each at all of the sample rates that you choose. Do not treat this process as a simple a/b comparison. You may need to spend your initial weeks experimenting and should not be surprised if after time your initial choices are revised.Do not overthink this process, it’s what you hear and not what you know.

Once you have spent time on this you may find that your idea that filter ringing is actually not an audible issue. I have been using dCS filter sets for over a quarter of a century without quibbles but only once I had decided on my personal filter preferences. BTW, I have not found all of dCS suggestions produce the best results for me.

As a regular here for many years I have never seen a concern about digital filer ringing before. If you are experiencing brightness and once you have at least found your preferred settings, then if the brightness persists I am going to suggest that your system may simply be too bright for whatever reason. Perhaps your previous DAC ameliorated this ?