Hi alvinjamur and welcome to the forum.
The Innuos Phoenix and other reclockers/USB conditioners serve to try to correct the inherent errors that use of a USB interface inevitably introduces. The answer is not to use the USB interface at all but to use the Innuos as NAS and therefore use the ethernet port. However for stable results you will need to load MinimServer as the UPnP server software. This could be done on earlier Innuos versions but I am unsure about the MKIII. If this cannot be done then, if not too late, I would recommend a Melco in preference which comes with MinimServer as its default server. This will provide the best sound quality. In either case you then use the dCS Mosaic controller app and not the Innuos or Melco app. There is a current thread on the very subject of USB v. ethernet:
I have used a USB interface with my Vivaldi and with the USB source conditioned by an ifi audio device. The device certainly brought an audible improvement but this was of a minor impact compared to abandoning USB for an ethernet connection ( initially via a dCS network Bridge and latterly via the Vivaldi Upsampler).