Upgrade to Rossini or buy a pre

Hi everyone,
I am having a dcs Bartok going directly to Pass Labs XA60.8, and then to Wilson Sabrina X.
I wonder which is better option with the SAME amount of money:

  1. Upgrade to Rossini (keep direct to power amps)
  2. Buy ARC ref 5SE (keep Bartok)
    Thx in advance

Another option is adding clocking. After many comparisons I went all-in on clocking instead of a pre for a while. (I have both now, but the pre may not stay.)


Hi all2ofme.
I followed many of your posts and am happy to have you here in my post.

So could u share what SQ improvement that clock brings vs pre?

Also, could u share your cables (power, interconnect, speaker) in your system. I really want to learn from u.


I would add a pre only if you need it, in case you add a turntable to your stereo…
I would spare my money as long as I have to…With the objective of buying a Vilvaldi dac and Vivaldi Upsampler…The improvement in SQ will be dramatic…

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Could you try out a preamp from a friend or a dealer before commiting? There is also still apex…

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