The Story:
I reduced my “stack” and wildly growing collection of cables, amps, turntables, cartridges, arms, speakers and anything musically shiny right down into a pair of active ATC SCM50 Towers, balanced cables and just a Bartok with Headphone outlet. Everything is now sourced from Tidal and Qobuz…
I added an active JLAudio Fathom F113 run from the XLR speakers to make it a 2.1 system (Y Cables).
Sounds best when running Bartok harder. Now I want to run the Bartok harder all the time which means a remote control pre-amp to allow Bartok to run at full flow even when listening at reduced sound levels.
My modest room is professionally assessed and acoustically treated, I listen to full range instrumental and electronica enjoying stronger transients when they happen.
My Question of the dCS Community:
What pre-amps should I be seriously researching and thinning down to final purchase options?
I do need remote control, I don’t have other gear to plumb in, I am running all balanced at present but this may or may not be important. I’m in the UK with 240v and new or pre-owned I have a budget of around some £10k/$12k.
If you have a suggestion can you explain why and how it aids my active setup…pretty please!
…otherwise seasons greetings to you all. SeanS