Rossini + Vivaldi Clock Power Link?

The Vivaldi clock is only one of many appliances in a household. Imagine the same discussion in the coffemachine, TV etc. forum. Multiply 1-1.5% by say 20-30 other devices and you get to 20-40%, which is a huge amount.

+20 years with a full Naim 500 stack
Factory recommendation - leave the ENTIRE stack powered on 24/7

My dCS stack remains powered on - with displays powered off

Current DarTZeel pre+amp
Factory claims on cold start - 90% performance
After 15 minutes - 100%
My DarTZeel stack powered off when not in use

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I have my dCS stack either on when being used or in standby ( blue light on)
Then it’s either display on or all off, mainly all off.

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I’ve put in an order for several fancy looking aluminum learning remotes from Ali Express – will be curious how they work out. I already have a cheap plastic learning remote ($10 on Amazon, $0.99 at Ali Express). It would be nice not to have to juggle the Universal Remote (aka “The Plank”) and the Soulution preamp remote, along with the Google TV remote when watching TV. Or, to put the matter more specifically, while I may be willing to do all this juggling, the family isn’t terribly keen on it (since my Rossini serves in my living room projector TV system, as well as for 2ch audio).