Does anyone know whether the Vivaldi Clock supports the same “power link” feature via RS232 connection that the Rossini Clock offers (in other words, where putting the DAC to sleep does the same for the clock)? The manual describes the Vivaldi Clock’s RS232 as supporting “home automation” in text mode, but does that include the Rossini? Would be nice to be able to use the remote to put both to sleep at once.
I would think yes, but it looks like there are some differences in the RS232 codes for the Vivaldi Clock and the Rossini Clock. Here’s the link to the RS232 codes that might help you sort this out:
I do not think that Vivaldi has the PowerLink feature ( Rossini is a later model). The codes that Harry kindly linked do not refer to PowerLink which is not the same as Sleep/ Wake.
I’m not sure if I understand your question correctly, and apologies if the following doesn’t answer it!
I have a Rossini Apex DAC connected to a Vivaldi clock by RS232. When I power off the Rossini (both by the power button or the mosaic app.), then the Vivaldi clock also powers down at the same time, with no separate button presses needed.
Well, that’s exciting. On that basis, I think it’s worth getting a RS232 cable to see whether my Rossini/Vivaldi stack will behave the same way! Thanks!
From memory, Fred, I just picked up a cheap lead from eBay and it works perfectly.
@Andyblain I’ve tried, but with mine, no luck. Perhaps this is an undocumented feature of the APEX upgrade (perhaps a software update?), as my Rossini is non-APEX. Puzzling. What do your units show as software versions?
This is nothing to do with APEX Fred, and as far as I am aware has not been touched in any recent software updates either.
Assuming your cable is wired straight thru (pin-to-pin) the only thing I can think of is the RS-232 Mode setting as already suggested by @Andyblain.
It’s also worth investigating if you indeed have a compatible RS232 cable - they come in a myriad of configurations. If I remember well, it needs to be a straight-through female-to-female DB9 cable; not what is often described as a null-modem cable.
Well, it’s a mystery, but my Rossini and Vivaldi Clock don’t power up/down together. Cable is definitely RS232 straight through (not null), and I tried putting the RS232 setting in both units in Text mode and in Binary mode, no luck.
Two more things to check: did you use the rightmost RS232 connector on the clock (the one named the “Loop” connector in the clock’s manual); and also, check if there are no bent/retracted pins on either RS232 port, DAC and clock. These RS232 connectors are fickle, I’ve seen my share of maltreated ones in my long IT career…
The plot thickens! I spoke too soon – with the RS232 cable connected, and using the Universal Remote, putting the Rossini to sleep does put the Vivaldi Clock to sleep (doesn’t matter whether in Binary or Text mode – I tested both ways). Similarly, a long press on the remote will shut both units down.
However, pressing the front panel power button on the Rossini does NOT put both units to sleep, nor does a long press on the Rossini front panel buttton put both units into shutdown (Vivaldi Clock stays on).
Also, somewhat perplexingly, using my Soulution remote to put the Rossini to sleep does NOT put the Clock to sleep – is there a different remote code at play?
PS @Paul_Bemelmans, I have only one RS232 port on my Vivaldi Clocki.
You are confusing two options. The RS232 is a hard wired bus to allow units in the same range to talk to one another. For Rossini units this includes Power Link which allows all Rossini units to be switched on or off from the DAC power button.Note this is not available for Vivaldi units.
The remote ( i.e. the plank) is a completely different system and instead of using hard wired ( RS232) works via infrared transmission /reception. As it is universal to the dCS current ranges its sleep/wake/off signals may be accepted by both Rossini and Vivaldi units
A Rossini streaming board will not display items on Mosaic from other ranges. Likewise a Vivaldi streaming board will not display Rossini units on Mosaic.
Yes. That your Soulution seems to operate a function on Rossini is just serendipity. It actually shouldn’t .
@PAR thanks for the clarification! That brings us one step closer to solving the mystery!
I have confirmed that the Universal Remote (and a cheap leaning remote that I trained on it) works, whether or not the RS232 cable is connected, and that the front-panel power button does NOT work, whether or not the RS232 cable is connected. This makes sense in light of what @PAR has said.
However, @Andyblain tells us that he is able to put both the Rossini APEX and Vivaldi clock to sleep by pressing front panel power button on his Rossini APEX or from Mosaic? Andy, can you confirm? That seems to be at odds with what @PAR suggests?
Also, this still leaves the mystery of the Soulution remote, which while serendipitous, remains a bit perplexing. My first guess is that the Soulution remote does not send a continuous signal (DCS Universal Remote requires 2 second press for sleep, 4 second press for shutdown, after all), but if that’s correct, then it shouldn’t work at all for putting the Rossini to sleep (since it doesn’t send the signal for 2 seconds). This suggests that there is a different remote code that can put the Rossini to sleep (but not the Vivaldi Clock) that doesn’t require a 2 second pulse? Mysterious!
Yes, I’ve just tried it and it definitely works, on both the unit buttons and the mosaic application. I don’t have a dCS remote control.
One more puzzle piece, gleaned from the dCS remote codes guide, posted here. It does indeed look like the Rossini supports 3 distinct remote codes for sleep, wake, and toggle sleep/wake. So I assume the Solution DAC happens to use the same remote code as the dCS code for toggle sleep/wake (which doesn’t seem to work for the Vivaldi Clock)? I’m still perplexed, however, that the sleep/wake remote codes for the Rossini and Vivaldi Clock are different, and yet the Universal Remote sleep/wakes them together on 2-second press.
Short answer:
Unfortunately it won’t work between the Rossini DAC and the Vivaldi Clock (but not for the reasons one might initially imagine).
Long answer:
A bit of background, the way the Power-link works with the Rossini/Bartók is that when the DAC is put into sleep (quick press of the Power button, or Mosaic Sleep), the unit issues a “SLEEP = 1" command out of it’s RS232 port.
When linked to the Rossini Clock’s RS232 port, this command tells the Rossini Clock to go to sleep. When the Rossini/Bartók is woken up, it correspondingly issues a “SLEEP = 0" command out of it’s RS232 port, which wakes the Rossini Clock.
The Vivaldi Clock also supports the Sleep command (since firmware 1.20). However, there’s one big difference between the Rossini/Bartók/Rossini-Clock, and the Vivaldi; the former have an RS232 port that operates at a baud rate of 115200 while the Vivaldi’s RS232 port operates at 4800, making the two incompatible when linked via RS232 unfortunately.
I’m unaware of any way to change the RS232 baud rate on either platform. Perhaps dCS can comment.