How does the Rossini player pair with the Lina AMP . Is there a better match or options
Where are you based, Anthony? Would be good to find you someone/somewhere a mix of options for you to try. That would put a number of options in/out of contention nice and easily!
You’re very welcome to visit in Nelson, NZ, but NZ is small enough that I’m sure I’d have realised you’re a neighbour by now if you were in this neck of the woods
Anthony, I agree with Ben. The only way that you can find out is by trying. We all have have our own tastes and priorities so what suits one may not be what is right for another.
The matter is made more complex by the need to match the electrical demands of the headphones with the amp. Lina is very flexible driving many headphones superbly but a major class of them (electrostatics) cannot be driven by Lina, others seem to have particularly unusual needs.
Are you able to arrange a demonstration of Lina using your headphones? I am sure that dCS may be able to advise on a dealer local to you or put you on touch with the distributor for your region.
Apologies, my question was improperly phased. I have had most of the top HP and AMP etc. Im familiar with what is out there and my preferences honed over decades. I have had DCS products before, love them. This is my first time owning a Rossini Player.
1- I assume the Lina AMP is a good pair for it?
2- I am hoping its network capabilities will exceed the need to buy a switch like the Innuos I had and just connect to my stored ripped music files and use Mosaic?
Have a Roon Nucleus, not really a fan of its sound performance and streaming services is not my priority, rather a back up to my own ripped files.
That’s what I was asking,(poorly I think) nevertheless
The amp should be fine connected to Rossini. I cannot think of a reason why not. In fact I have considered the pairing with Vivaldi but for me HP use is low so it wouldn’t be worth it.
You could connect using the dual AES EBU ports as I think you are a headphone only listener and would not use these to feed a pre or power amp for 2 channel use. The balanced outputs offer an improvement over the RCAs ( good though these are).
So that leaves compatibility with your 'phones to be considered.
I found this on the site. it may clarify what I am trying to ask
Sounds like there are two configurations you should try out to compare which you like better:
- Switch → LAN Cable → N10 → Coax/AES/USB → Rossini
- Switch → LAN Cable → Rossini
Configuration 1 lets you continue to use the N10 internal storage for your files and the Aurendar App for control, but since the N10 can’t synchornize to the Rossini clock you’ll theoretically lose some performance vs. configuration 2.
Configuration 2 replaces the N10 network transport with the one built into the Rossini. This has the advantage of all components in the chain syncing to the Rossini clock, but you’ll need to store your files somewhere else and use Mosaic or Roon for the UI.
“Configuration 2 is recommended by dCS and many folks here consider the LAN connection the best sounding input for computer audio on the Rossini. I guess the other advantage is that you can sell the N10 and the coax/AES/USB cable!”
based on this seems to me connect my rj45 wall jack directly to the Rossini . Now I have my ripped files on a Roon Nucleus. I want to access them the best way and still use mosaic with Qobuz. How would I access the Nucleus direct connect it to the Rossini or network connect it?
sorry for my confusion
Network connect it, by both connecting them to your router’s switch ports, or use a separate network switch.
yes, HP only guy at home no need for portable files on phone etc. I also have files on Apple Music. I guess my ripped cd files being connected properly and with the best sound is what I am after. Ever since on my prior set up I added the Innuos in place of Roon Nucleus the improvement was better than a day upgrades I’ve done, so that’s what im trying to achieve with Rossini
does the second “loop” connection on Rossini facilitate that. The Innuos had a second ethernet connection I used.
Thx so it network all the way now it leaves the question above only thx
Ethernet from the wall → router → one ethernet cable from Rossini to one switch port on the router
and → one ethernet cable from the Nucleus to another switch port on the router;
or add a separate switch:
Ethernet from the wall → router → ethernet cable to the switch → one ethernet cable from Rossini to one switch port on the switch
and → one ethernet cable from the Nucleus to another port on the switch
FORGET the second “loop” connection on Rossini. It is not supported, so avoid using it.
A bit of a change of subject. Briefly you connect N10 to your switch/router as well as Rossini. Connections are all network, you don’t use coax or AES.However someone like @Anupc knows more (much) on this than I do , maybe he will respond.
how does adding a second switch in the same room affect things. I would need to add it to the side of the room where the RJ45 wall jack is and connect the switch then add the Rossini and the Nucleus to have everything together which would also facilitate my ripper unit being able to connect to my Nucleus?
If you really need 2 switches, connect 1 switch to a port on the second switch by ethernet cable.
I agree with Erno.
- If you want to keep it really simple just plug your Rossini into the RJ45 socket in the wall with a certified unshielded ethernet cable.
- If you want to connect more units than you have available RJ45 sockets on the same side of the room as your Rossini (Streamer, Nucleus, whatever) and/or you want to be 100% sure you are isolating your Rossini from any EMI nasties then connect a small unmanaged switch (like this one) to the wall socket and connect whatever you need to to that switch. Again connect the Rossini with a certified unshielded cable or a cable with the shield lifted at the Rossini end.
…and yes, the LINA HPA pairs beautifully with the Rossini (and Vivaldi, and Varèse…). Balanced mode, unbuffered input. I seem to recall you have owned one before (is that right?) so you should know what it is capable of. But there is plenty of choice including much more powerful amps. I seem to recall you have been round that loop before as well . I second @all2ofme and @PAR’s suggestions that you find a dealer (or an audiophile friend) with a selection and listen or borrow.
Unfortunately I don’t think any of the Aurenders support UPnP Server capability. With the exception of the ACS family, the Aurender portfolio is designed to be used with AES/SPDIF/USB output to the DAC. And even the ACS family appears to be mainly HD storage/NAS for use with other Aurender products, not as a UPnP Server.
So, it’s really doing an extra data packet stream to AES/SPDIF conversion; some people may subjectively prefer that, but it’s not going to be technically better dCS Ethernet direct native streaming
Thanks , received my Synogoly DS 224+ and unmanaged switch today. Will be setting up and trying my hand at downloading MinimServer.
the option of adding the 2nd switch from the RJ wall jack then to Rossini is the Rossini performance the same as just going wall rj to Rossini without the switch?
Hi Anthony,
The difference is small, and will likely be of no consequence.
The point is that as long as you use an unshielded cable from that switch to your Rossini its insertion guarantees galvanic isolation from the rest of your network.
Placing it near the Rossini means the unshielded cable can be kept short mitigating all possible negative effects of the lack of shielding (whose purpose is to ensure that the cable maintains its certified performance up to its maximum certified length of 328ft).
IMO it is a small price to pay for that peace of mind.
It has the added benefit that one wall jack can serve multiple units at that location should you ever need it.
Thanks, I have it set up.
Also I have an upgraded power cord . Can I use it with the Rossini or Lina Amp and if so which is the best place to use it/ Power amp?
No idea Anthony, there are arguments both ways. Trial and error and please report back!!