Really looking forward to this.
Not sure what i will be able to post about it, but i will report back on what i can.
Cheers dunc
take some photos of dCS “area 51” and post it- especially those about baby Varese
May see you there .
What a day.
Fantastic team, couldn’t have been made anymore welcome.
Was lovely seeing how it all gets put together, tested, etc.
The listening room, again lovely.
We got to have a nice play in there. Running both the vivaldi and the Varese.
But the thing that hit me the most about today was, everyone that worked there is enthusiastic, the place had a lovely feel about it.
It’s certainly nice to know that your ownership is respected, and going forward looked after.
Once again i can’t thank dCS enough for letting me into there world today.
But obviously big thanks to Andrew for sorting this, and looking after us today.
Plus David for showing us around and letting us in.
Cheers dunc & vic
Yes r was a great day and terrific for me to briefly meet Dunc and Vic.
I and my friends Ross and Raj were shown around at a later session. I want to echo Dunc as to the positive and friendly feeling generated across the whole enterprise. The care taken over every aspect and their meticulous approach are amazing ( and you begin to understand why it costs so much ).
Yes, I did have an opportunity to listen to Varese with my own tracks and briefly compare it to Vivaldi. There is no doubt nor surprise that Varese is exceptional. However I felt that Vivaldi continued to make superb music nevertheless. I never had a feeling that its performance had somehow been meaningfully diminished in comparison. So if your funds run to Varese, do it if you can. But if Vivaldi is your limit then continue to enjoy ( as I shall).
It was fantastic to meet people central to the uniqueness and success of dCS, previously legends to me. Of course many thanks to Andrew for enabling this and to David for his superbly put together presentation of it all.
Just back in from snooker, been a busy day.
Nice to meet you as well Pete, if only a quick hello.
Still buzzing from it all, and trying to work out how i can convince David, that i can somewhere fit in. dream job.
dCS AND snooker, @Dunc?! I like you even more now
Jealous of the Varèse session. One day. I figure saving my pennies now is a wise move.
had you guys the chance to compare Vivaldi vs Rossini vs Varese there?
any hint of Vivaldi 2.0 ?
My snooker last night was nothing special, but fun and no money changed hands.
The rossini and clock are in the rack under the vivaldi clock, but we didn’t try it today.
The Varese is certainly special and the amount of time and investment to bring it to market was huge.
This certainly shows the commitment from dCS, and the filter down from this has already benefited us owners. Plus the Lina range.
Obviously i can’t talk about all the stuff we got to see yesterday, but it’s certainly looking like it will be a fantastic year for dCS.
Just to add a couple of observations.
It was so encouraging to see items in for servicing including units from the old studio 9xx range, Elgar and Scarlatti. dCS makes everything have the longest service life.
I also need to mention that Varese is visually stunning in the flesh. The silver anodising chosen is really gorgeous. BTW, for those not aware, there is not a single “silver” finish used for everything but a variation is chosen for each range. dCS have a sophisticated system ensuring that their partners provide consistent finishes that match other units; every panel is “traceable”.
Finally, if you find yourself f in Swavesy, the main pub, the White Horse, is excellent with a a great range of drinks, some of the best pub food I have had ( pub food rather then that of a gastropub) and, being owned and run by a rock musician, classic rock background music ( not too loud). The latter not quite my thing but it really impressed my friends.
Any photos to share?
I think what you really want are photos of things seen there. However those in the public domain are already well represented online or in print journals. BTW, I took no photographs once inside.
Hi Dunc…I’m curious to know, how many people actually work there? I spoke to someone a few years ago and think I remember them saying, less than a dozen?
I believe they have 50, se work from home, and if i remember right a 3 shifts at the moment due to the work load.
Yes, I think we are around 50 employees in total. Quite a few of us work remotely though so the number actually in Swavesey on a given day varies. Production is certainly cranking at the moment with folks from service being temporarily drafted in as their workload is quite low right now. We don’t have multiple shifts though, I meant that figuratively!
Cheers Dunc for that info.
Best they get their skates on, I want my BartĂłk!
Thanks Andrewđź‘Ť
I have a BartĂłk on order at the moment.
Wow! That is a serious system!