New Qobuz Prices/Plans

Hey All:

I don’t mean to sound like a Qobuz shill. I’m really not. :wink: Just wanted to share that, at least for the US, not sure if elsewhere, they have announced new lower pricing and revised plans.

That hasn’t reached the Old World yet, I’m afraid - still €19.99/month for Studio Premier (same price as Tidal HiFi) or €14.99/month prepaid for a year.

Studio Sublime is €249.99/year.

UK prices now reflect the USA ones ( in currency numbers if not conversion). In fact I guess the UK price may be considered even lower as it presumably includes VAT @ 20%.

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Is this really new? Or just codifying the pricing they started offering back in April/May as the price going forward, rather than a promotional deal? I just checked my account, and I’ve had this pricing since May.

There actually is a new plan in there, but not for the high res. This seems a slight simplification. And I think on Sublime, other than the name change, it’s the same. I didn’t check to see if Family Plan was changed.

Greg, it is all hi-res. Have they dropped a CD res only option? I don’t remember the Studio Premier prices but was it previously 12.49/month bought annually? The hi-res with discounted downloads (annual payment ) is the same price but with a new name. Sublime+ becomes Studio Sublime.

Pete, thanks; I stand corrected. Not sure why I associated the lower tier plan with lower quality streaming, but I was mistaken.