New kid on the block

That amp can definitely take in 6V, with the Nordost Odin 2 interconnects probably even 12V, if there were such a thing. :grin:

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Thanks Lima, it is pre-loved so it’s likely had more than it’s obligatory first 600. It will be a pleasure to give it 600 more though. Can’t be too careful!

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Welcome to the club. Those Kiwi’s are mighty persuasive.

Mrs. Struts will get nowhere with him. He easily charmed Mrs. GreggL so well I now have permission to go on a speaker hunt with him.

PS - that box on the bottom left is the PS to a Kerry T2
The DarTZeel’s were @all2ofme revenge and payback as I introduced him to Kerry and made him take a bite out of the legendary apple of Gilmore


Well - the preamp does better with 2v (imho and that of a few others)

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You should experiment with both RCA and XLR out from your Vivaldi into the amplifier. While dCS maintains their XLR outputs are superior to RCA, for DarTZeel it is the opposite . Their equipment was conceived and designed to be single ended.


Thanks Donald. I am hoping it will even be able to take 6V through these…

Yes, I raided the kids’ college fund as well… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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No shit Sherlock!

Mrs Struts says I am too impressionable and I have to admit she may have a point! Although she definitely isn’t that way herself. She may look fluffy and blonde on the outside but I can assure you the inside is cold hard Swedish steel!

Where is the actual amp?

Which is lucky for me because the T2 is balanced-only (assume the Kerrybuild is too) and I don’t fancy having to build summing daughter boards and drilling the bloody chassis for RCAs. I am sooo done with that project! So it’s balanced to the T2 and SE to the dz. Nuemas problemas!

The PS was just resting there. The actual set up is in my bedroom where a Linn Klimax DS Organik performs streaming duties.
X9000, 009S, 009, L300LE 80th anniversary, SR404 30th anniversary

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PLEASE folks, don’t tell any of the prefects in the BBLPC that I am an impostor. :pray:

I am sooo happy to be here, I want to enjoy it for a while before they expel me!

Seriously though, thanks for all the well wishes (had a flood of DMs!) I feel like an incredibly lucky boy. It was a fair old while ago Father Christmas brought me literally everything my heart desired. Surely I can’t have been that good! :thinking:

But YOLO! Now, back to my listening…

Sounds like a good plan. After much experimentation I am settling on following Herve’ and not dCS.
I prefer RCA out of the Rossini and single ended into the dCS.

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From what I have heard the dynamics take a huge hit if you try to use it without the power supply, you might want to try reuniting them!

Oh, another black-cable guy! Did you try the brown cables and not like them or is it a rule in the BBLPC that you have to buy new? :thinking:

I had and sold the 007 mk1 - not a fan (despite what Birgir says😆)
His Carbon was rather good though. Sold mine to a dear friend.


Birgir is certainly a great engineer, but also a (possibly) disproportionately influential influencer, and such a strong personality that people tend to treat his opinions and tastes as facts. He also tends to talk in absolutes, forgetting that people’s tastes like their bottoms are split down the middle!

Take me for instance. I just bought an eye-wateringly expensive amp that is actually more coloured than my previous amp which cost 1/30 as much. That increased distortion was worth that entire premium to me. It is like the difference between a soup that tastes of absolutely nothing and a soup that tastes absolutely divine. I would have a hard time explaining that to Birgir!

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I asked Perplexity what this Dartzeel amp sounds like and in various sources it was described as
warm, tonally well-balanced, full-bodied, rich, lush, silky, smooth with sweet harmonic richness and a very detailed and textured sound of the bass. Silver interconnects are probably a good match.

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When you try to take an epic Ben-like photo but don’t quite make it…


You should buy a Hasselblad :wink:


I’m not sure I’d be able to handhold a Hasselblad as well as my itsybitsyteenyweeny iPhone :slight_smile:

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(Why no SR007?…. You don’t have to follow Birgir - I bought a new one and it is fascinating. Totally different from X9K.

I have 404LE, 007 and X9K and am relatively happy. I feel the need for a modern Lambda in addition.)