Negative Bartok review that I simply can't understand

@struts001 raises an important point that many buyers “triangulate” opinions and preferences on audio components from a wide variety of sources, and in particular for many of us, from actual owners. Finding folks who have similar preferences in sound characteristics and sometimes in music can be very helpful.

I’m far more interested in subjective impressions (and comparisons) than specs and technical impressions. Others are clearly inclined to focus on the technical aspects or specifications of a review.

I can imagine that with more technical reviews, everyone - reviewers, readers, manufacturers - wants the technical details to be as accurate as possible. Subjective impressions can be hazier and more open to interpretation (partly based on that triangulation).

One soaks up all of these impressions to form a decision on whether or not to purchase something. No single source should factor into the decision (unless it’s an in person demo!). I’m sure I read hundreds of reviews and impressions on the Bartok before I made the decision to purchase it (great decision BTW!). I bought it during the pandemic and was not keen on an in person demo.

Stereophile, I believe, has a manufacturer response or followup to reviews published towards the back of the magazine. I’m not sure that’s common on many other online reviews. That would be a valuable addition to give the manufacturer a voice and the opportunity to correct any inaccuracies.

Regarding the review in question in this thread, most of us have moved on. Back to the music :grinning:

@fluke I hope you’re enjoying your dCS gear or whatever gear brings you joy when listening to music.

I do hope dCS won’t get negative reviews anymore, in particular on Varèse, otherwise I cannot imagine the length of the discussion thread !

One, two, or 8 negative reviews are irrelevant compared to so many, hundreds, of positive reviews. Sometimes people are negative only to draw attention on themselves…And it works, apparently…

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Hey @struts001,

I agree that I am overly narrowing down the ecosystem. The previous post had already been called out as a TLDR. But as you expand the full ecosystem, the dCS response seems that much more a hyper-overreaction. I don’t think groups #5, #6 and #7 can replace the role of reviewers. It still seem critical to me when maintaining a brand that company show transparency and openness about having distance themselves from a reviewer.

I still very much would like to see commitment from dCS to launch their own YouTube channel and clearly show when information on YouTube is coming direct from them.

PS I see your previous post in this thread is your first on the forum, welcome! Out of interest, are you a dCS customer yourself, or has your interest been sparked by the GoldenSound controversy? Most of the folks here are firmly in group (7) so have a slightly different perspective on this to potential customers in all the other groups.

I am not dCS customer myself. What really sparked by interest was something GoldenSound said of “and it is really really soft.”

If you don’t mind, I need to go on a tangent. My favorite amplifier that I ever owned was made by Bob Carver. It has the warmth / softness of vacuum tube without having to periodically make a run to radio shack to get a replacement tube. But the company went out of business and the capacitors seem to have failed. I am not interested in a refurbished Carver sold for a price higher than the original selling price. Also, no software tricks to process the audio is able to reproduced the “magic” of the Carver. The music didn’t sound processed from a Carver amp, it was still pure and true to the music but just with warmth and softness that traditional transistor amplifier had removed. I am not sure if I am making any sense at all so I am just going to try to stop explaining my long lost friend.

But, back to dCS, as soon as I heard the words “really really soft” then my ears were burning. I really wanted to get a chance to hear one. I wouldn’t be purchasing it right away. Honestly I would be about a year off from buying one. But getting modern day features combined with the warmth of my old amp would be worth it.

Does that answer your question?

Hey @ChrisK

I do hope dCS won’t get negative reviews anymore, in particular on Varèse, otherwise I cannot imagine the length of the discussion thread !

Are we still talking about GoldenSound at this point? Did you even listen to the review? I wouldn’t call it a negative review as much as it was a critical review which is not really the same thing. At the end of the day, it is still increase exposure for dCS.

There was a Call To Action that was very negative. This was in response to dCS choosing to use a law firm as the prefer method of “communications” with a reviewer. The call to action itself is not a review and is not about any specific product. Even better, the solution is very simple, dCS just needs to stop using the letter head of a law firm when communicating with reviewers. Even better would be to never again initiate direct contact with a reviewer and just use a dCS own YouTube channel to respond when reviews require additional context or corrections.

As to the length of the thread, hopefully that also becomes an opportunity for dCS in the future.

Negative clickbait on YouTube works well in the SHORT terms but tends to be a flash in the pan that burns out (unless someone feeds the fire).

I hope you get the chance to hear a Bartók, ideally on home audition. I have a Bartók myself and although I hate to disappoint you I have to say the word “soft” would never have occurred to me and I can only relate to “warm” if meant as the antithesis of “etched” or “clinical”.

There are lots of reviews of the Bartók and Bartók APEX online and I can’t recall any of them mentioning anything similar. Here are two of the most recent, the first via headphones and the second via speakers. These describe the sonic signature in a way I can relate to. YMMV.ók-apex-hifiman-audivina-he-r10p-he1000-v2-headphones

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Well said as usual Paul