Maverick hifi show this sunday

Well if you have nothing to do this sunday, then why not nip up to Barnsley for a truly unique hifi show.
To start off with it’s free to enter, so that’s a good start.
You basically hire a room in the hotel for the weekend, fill it with your hifi gear, then people can come and have a listen.
It’s very relaxed and friendly. You get very different systems, from home builds up to well, anything really.
This year i have a room with me best mate Vic ( the reel to reel guy)
I am taking my system, and he is bringing his reel to reel.
dCS Vivaldi apex dac
dCS Vivaldi upsampler
dCS Vivaldi Clock
Melco n1zs
Vitus sia030 integrated amp
Kudos titan 808 speakers
Philips n4520 reel to reel

So if you can make it, come say hello, room 136.
Cheers dunc


Really cool Duncan,

I am in Leeds so will definitely try to come and give you a visit on Sunday. It sounds like an Hifiwigwam show in the old days.

Please can you give me the postcode of the hotel? I put Holiday Inn Barnsley on gg map and it shows only 1 result, so not sure if it’s the right one.

Many thanks,


Ps: no worries, I found the address as someone from Maverick forum posted

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Come and say hello

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As Sonrock says, reminiscent of theHifiwigwam show.

I hope that you are able to post a report here afterwards. I am particularly interested in the reaction you may get with that splendid system. My memories of Hifiwigwam make me wonder if you are going o get remarks along the lines of “You’ve got more money than sense when you can get a perfectly good DAC for a couple of hundred quid”? And what about wires? ( "it doesn’t make any difference son; use the cable off your garden mower " ):wink:.

Have a great time; it’s Yorkshire so the beer should be good if it’s local.

It is the old wigwam show, but being run now by the new site, maverick, that became because of the problems wigwam had.

People can, and will say what they want, it’s life.
But hopefully the ones that hear it will enjoy it. But in all honesty, i will just enjoy the weekend whatever. As i am far to thick skinned to let things like that get to me. As i have heard many dac’s, many systems, and i know what i have is quality, and that some folk will probably try to put it down, as it will somehow make them feel better, in their sad little world.

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Show guide for those interested

Hmm… I’m not sure whether this challenge is serious or tongue in cheek. For the record, addressing the numbered points above: (1) I’d say differences - when there are any - can be subtle but still worth paying attention to; (2) I have no particular opinion; (3) I haven’t done the test; (4) I would not be a member of this forum if I thought the implied judgement (they are the same) was true; (5) LPs of analogue recordings, and digital recordings from CD or streaming, can have very different strengths and weaknesses especially where cheaper reproduction equipment is used. Are any of these opinions controversial? Not here, I would think.

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Hi @Simon_C

Given the tone of the post that you replied to there (and a couple of others from the same member) and the fact that it was a first post from someone who had only just registered then I have hidden their post and contacted them directly.



I’ve just come home after spending a good time at the show today, very interesting and 100% worth attending. The best thing to learn is the show raised over £7,000 to a local charity via auctions today, cash donations are not accounted for yet, absolutely fantastic :smiling_face:.

There are quite many rooms at the show today with kits ranging from very old / discontinued stuff to the very modern tech like dcs vivaldi :grin:.

I was particularly impressed with the room of DIY 4 ways active speakers mixed between open baffles and dual 8” woofers. I spent a good half an hour there enjoying the music so much.

The Fortex room is really good too but as they are massive and not suitable to such a small environment, I encountered boomy sound but was amazed with the vocal and cello tracks. After half an hour, I felt they are like “paper sound” but in a bigger room, things could be much different. If those speakers were serviced by Kendrick sounds, I believe they’d be awesome in a right room.

Duncan’s room is great, everything seems right to me even listening in close field and the room is very small too. We didn’t play anything with huge bass when I was there but vocals and instruments sound very good. Well done for your efforts to set them up in such a challenging environment :+1:t2:


Had a great time, a wonderful weekend.
I fully recommend it.


very interested to see the Siegfried Linkwitz speakers ( second image down). He was one of the most special and original designers and a sad loss. I am surprised to see a pair in the UK. This design was ( is) available in a number of guises from buy the plans and do it all yourself to fully assembled. It’s an active model too as far as I recall so further choices in what to use.


Yes, probably that’s the best sound of the show this year imo even with very modest electronics and cables. Solid performance even in a small room and very challenging conditions. I liked them so much that I spent well over 30 minutes in the sweet spot and only left when I recognised how many people are standing and queuing next to just 4-5 chairs in the room.


So @Dunc

Are you on the left or the right?

How did you find the 808’s worked there?

I’ve had my T88’s backed up against the rear wall and in corners (in fact my 707’s still are) and I can’t believe just how tolerant they are of placement compared to other speakers that I’ve used!

On the right.
The speakers did very well considering.
A bit on the bass heavy, especially on certain tracks.
But couldn’t really move them much due to the room, size, etc.
But great fun, and the room went down very well.
Had lot’s of very nice comments, many came back more than twice.

Thanks @Dunc - Nice to put a face to the name… :slight_smile:

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Vic is the other guy in the picture.
That’s his reel 2 reel in the picture.
We ran the room together.


They did sound rather special, didn’t they!

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Absolutely, probably that’s the first time I’ve heard something DIY sounds that great. Other rooms with DIY stuff are nowhere near actually.

The speakers were built 10+ years ago and the owner really knows his stuff, even with a modest 6 channels power amp, fed directly from a digital crossover box and streamed from a laptop, the sound is too good to be true. It’s warm, musical, powerful and really interesting to listen to. That what impressed me the most is how quiet they are, even with ears next to the drivers, I couldn’t hear anything. Just simply amazing :slight_smile:

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They have already to do it all again next year.
The question is do we? And if we do what will we take next year.

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