Lina upgrade to 2.0 possibly?

Chris, the Lina Welcome thread has quite a bit of discussion on this point, so you might want to read up there too.

That said, obviously dCS is not going to comment directly on what’s possible in the future, so, that leaves us user free to speculate :laughing:

A good place to start is to compare the Xilinx FPGA chip logic cell capacities between the Lina and the Bartok on the Ring DAC board.

The Bartok I believe has a pair of Spartan-3 chips between the left and right channel. If I’m not mistaken, it uses the XC32S100E chips for a total programmable logic cell capacity of 4,320.

The Lina, on the other hand, I think uses just a single but newer and much higher capacity Artix-7 chip. I don’t know which exact model, but even the smallest in the Artix range starts at 12,800 Logic Cells! Logic cell capacities are not the only measure of what’s possible, but it’s a good rough guide.

In which case, I think Lina owners can be quite hopeful that 2.0 (and much more) is not only possible, it’s likely just a matter of time :slight_smile: