Just noticed this review by Neil Gader:
I am not convinced that he clock may have wide appeal outside of the dCS ecosystem ( as mentioned).
As there are two fixed outputs at different frequencies , use with a partner unit that does not have at least two , selectable, wordclock inputs would be very frustrating IMO. Every time a file changed from a 44.1 to 48kHz sample rate a wiring change would be required otherwise.
Thx for sharing. One important point, and he didn’t measure real impact, was that he used a bnc sigma V2 . And this one brings a great difference also.
“a”? Surely he used two? This is one of the issues with multi unit systems and separate wordclocks. For example a full Vivaldi stack needs 5 wordclock cables. It looks like Varese may get away from this.
I use only one for my Rossini. I listen cd only.