… now all I need is the rest of the gear to turn the 1s and 0s into music
The transport went back to dCS in August and was given a clean bill of health (after an adjustment to its power supply). I really hope the Esoteric mechanism holds out for a few years at least, because it’s going to be eye-wateringly expensive when it needs replacing. C’est la vie…
Call me crazy, but for a long while I’ve had the urge to set up a system dedicated to spinning silver discs. Having secured the transport, sticking with Scarlatti seems the obvious choice. There are a couple of listings on eBay right now - one for a DAC, the other for a DAC, upsampler and clock. I’m inclined to go for the latter, but before I do, I thought I’d just post here to see if anyone has any other ideas. Or perhaps someone here has a Scarlatti DAC they’re looking to move on?
Ideas/advice welcome… but please don’t tell me I’ve made a mistake with my first foray into the dCS universe .